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Rules Questions

Updated on January 30, 2001

Rule I. This is Mage Knight Rebellion

· Mage Knight Warriors: Q. Can I repaint my figures, and would they be tournament legal?

A. Yes. Rank stars were printed on the bases in anticipation of this.

· Combat Dial: Q. How do I know if a base contains the correct combat dial?

A. Look at the base top and note the collector&rsquos number. Now spin the combat dial to the last set of &ldquoskulls&rdquo. In the damage area of the stat slot you will see a number. If this matches the collector&rsquos number, the combat dial is correct for the base top. If it does not, the piece has been improperly assembled or has been tampered with. Such figures are not tournament-legal. Replacements for miss-assembled figures are available from Wizkids.

Rule II. Getting Started

· Terrain: Q. What are the limits on terrain sizes?

A. Ideally, a piece of terrain should occupy an area between 16 and 64 square inches.

Rule III. How to Play

· Actions: Q. During my turn, can I only use one type of action once each, or can I use the same action multiple times?

A. If you have two actions per turn (for example), you could move one, and use a ranged combat action with another warrior.

· Pushing and Victory Points: Q. If a player pushes a warrior and thereby eliminates it, who gets the warrior&rsquos victory points?

A. The pushed warrior&rsquos victory points go to the last opposing player to damage him. If no opposing player damaged the pushed warrior, his points are split evenly (rounded off) among all opposing players.

· Movement and Leaving the Battlefield: Q. How do I move off of the battlefield?

A. You are not allowed to leave the battlefield under normal game conditions unless you withdraw. See page 10 of the rules.

· Movement and Spinning: Q. Does spinning in place require a movement action? Can I spin and attack?

A. Spinning in place requires a move action if it is not a Free Spin as per page 5 of the rules. You may not spin and attack with the same action.

· Free Spin: Q. If several figures from an enemy movement formation contacts my warrior, how many free spins do I get, and when?

A. Figures moving in formation are actually moved one at a time as shown in the rules example on page 7. Therefore, enemy figures will contact your warrior&rsquos base one at a time. You get a free spin each time an enemy figure contacts your base.

· Ranged and Close Combat: Q. A warrior with a range value greater than 0 can use ranged and combat actions. Can it also engage in close combat?

A. Yes.

· Capturing and Movement: Q. An Imp with speed 10 and Flight has a captive with speed 2. The Imp is given a move action. What are the movement characteristics of this group?

A. The Imp and prisoner both have speed 2 and Flight. They move at the same time with the Imp&rsquos player determining the prisoner&rsquos position and facing.

· Capturing and Action Tokens: Q. What happens to action tokens on a captive? Does a captive acquire action tokens? Can you push a captive to damage him?

A. Action tokens clear off captives normally (at the end of the original owning player&rsquos next turn). Captives never acquire action tokens and therefore never take pushing damage.

Rule IV. Formations

· Duration: Q. Do formations have to be declared at the beginning of a game? Can a formation ever change?

A. Formations exist only for the duration of an action. You can declare that you are using a formation to execute an action whenever the prerequisite conditions exist to do so. A formation has no meaning or benefit after an action is completed.

· Movement Formations: Q. Can a warrior in a movement formation forgo his movement opportunity and use a move action ability (like Regeneration) instead?

A. No.

· Movement Formations and Captives: Q. Can captives move with a formation?

A. Yes. Here is some additional information on this topic: a) captives do not count as a figure towards the size of the formation, and b) a formation may be limited to a captive&rsquos speed value if it is the lowest of all the figures moving.

· Movement Formations and Breaking Away: Q. If several warriors in a formation are in contact with opposing figures, do I have to roll for break away just once in formation, or once for each warrior in contact with the opposing figure?

A. You must roll for each warrior in contact with an opposing figure.

· Movement and Combat Formations: Q. Can a warrior that moved this turn join a combat formation on the same turn to provide support?

A. No.

· Ranged Combat Formations: Q. Must each character in a ranged combat formation have a ranged attack of their own (besides the primary attacker)?

A. Yes. Further, each character in the formation must have a line of fire to the target and the target must be within each character&rsquos range value.

Rule V. Terrain

· Size: Q. What are the limits on terrain sizes?

A. Ideally, a piece of terrain should occupy an area between 16 and 64 square inches.

· Elevated Terrain: Q. Is &ldquoelevated&rdquo really a terrain type?

A. Well, no. More properly, hindering, blocking and clear terrain are either elevated or non-elevated and elevated terrain acts as blocking terrain for two non-elevated combatants. However, the rules work as written. You may put a piece of elevated terrain into the terrain pool during &ldquoSetting the Scene&rdquo which contains hindering, blocking and/or clear features.

· Optional Elevated Terrain Rules: Q. The rules say that this is available on the Mage Knight web site. Where are they?

A. They are coming! We apologize for them not being available yet.

Rule VI. Ending the Game

· Withdrawing: Q. What is the purpose of this rule?

A. It is intended to provide a mechanism in multi-player games where one player must leave before the others are ready or willing to do so.

Rule VII. The Standard Game

· Capture: Q. Timed standard games often end with a flurry of capture attempts at the end of the time limit. What can be done to stop this point-skewing tactic?

A. Tournament rules will deal with this problem by requiring prisoners to be brought back to a players starting area before being counted for points. In the standard game, use the tournament rule or disallow capture attempts in the last 20 minutes of the game.

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