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Factions of the Rebellion2

Elemental League

While the Atlantis Guild emphasizes offense, the Elemental League concentrates on healing, protection and regeneration. Half of the Leagues 10 character types also have the Toughness ability, making them very difficult to wound in the first place. This means that an Elemental army has staying power on the battlefield. Given enough time, League troops can deliver nearly as much damage as their Atlantean counterparts, and they may even live to tell the tale. The Leagues offensive punch comes from their Trolls, while the Elves provide healing and support. At the high end, the faction leaders are the archetypes from which the supporting cast draws their skill sets; the Troll Chieftain is a punishing brute, while the Elemental Priest has strong sustaining abilities.

Knights Immortal

The martial Elves of the Knights Immortal form Mage Knights first minor faction. Each Knight can be characterized in a single word: Specialist. The Knights make good add-on troops for armies based around other factions because it is easy to take advantage of their specialties. The Archer provides inexpensive dual ranged attacks. The Pikeman is the perfect stationary defender. The Liege Knight provides a proactive Defend skill, while the Temple Blademaster has Magic Immunity. Finally, the Paladin combines powerful offensive skills with Healing, and the obligatory Command ability.

The Mage Spawn

The Mage Spawn are a group of various warriors who do not have a specific agenda in this rebellion. Their actions can be sometimes chaotic to their fellow comrades as well as the enemy. MK Home

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