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Factions of the Rebellion

Atlantean Guild

More than any other faction, the Atlantis Guild is all about offense. Of the Guild's ten main character types, not one has a healing or regenerative ability. Instead, this faction concentrates on ranged and melee attacks. These warriors also pack an impressive array of offensive special abilities. Weapon Master, Flame/Lightning, Magic Enhancement and the dreaded Magic Blast are all represented among Atlantean warriors. As if that weren't enough, the Atlantis Guild boasts unique figures with multiple ranged attack ability. The Magus can hit two targets per ranged attack, while the Storm Golem can hit three.

Black Powder Rebels

The Black Powder Rebels are an alliance of various racial groups who are using steam power and gunpowder to usurp the three major magic-using guilds (Atlantis, Elemental and Necropolis). Each rebel race brings its own skill set to the table. Black Powder's Dwarves have the anti-Atlantis Magic Immunity ability. The Amazons bring multiple slots of Weapon Mastery and exceptional speed, which make them a good match against Elementals toughness and healing. And finally, the Men bring strong ranged attacks: the perfect foil to the Necropolis close quarter expertise. Black Powder's racial power-sharing theme is mirrored perfectly by their two unique leaders: the Dwarven Jarl and Amazon Queen. Both cost 77 points, but play very differently.

The Draconum

The Draconum, a minor faction composed entirely of unique warriors, define the high end of Mage Knight's main character archetypes. The Magna Draconum is the game's best close combat fighter. The Magus Draconum is its strongest wizard. The Mystic Draconum is the most versatile healer, while the Hierophant ekes out the Storm Golem as the game's best ranged combatant. Although Draconum gain factional benefits, the fact is that their point values are so high, it will be a rare army that fields three or more in a formation. Therefore, most armies containing a Draconum will be built around it as a central character.

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