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Head-to-Head Constructed Tournament Rules

Mage Knight tournaments are designed to be fast and fun. They play quickly to keep everybody in the action. Tournament rules are designed to build on the existing Mage Knight rules. Tournament rules add to, or further define, the existing body of rules.

Anybody can play in a sanctioned Mage Knight tournament. Registered players will earn Battle Points for their victories, which are tracked on the Mage Knight web site at Registered players should report their login name to the judge when they arrive so their victory points can be properly credited.

Tournament Format
Head-to-Head constructed tournaments will be a Swiss style for the opening rounds, with a number of final rounds based on the number players. All players participate in the Swiss rounds &ndash there is no elimination. Players will be matched according to their victories as closely as possible for each round. Players are, therefore, guaranteed a certain number of rounds depending on the number of participants.

Judges will announce the number of final rounds before the first round of play. The number of players to advance to the final rounds will also be determined by the number of players. Each round, including finals, must be completed in 50 minutes. When time is called, the game ends after resolving the current action. In the event both players still have non-demoralized figures on the map, resolve the battle using the victory conditions outlined below.

All players participate in the Swiss rounds &ndash there is no elimination. Players will be matched according to their victories as closely as possible. The final rounds (if more than one) are single elimination.

Army Size
All players must bring 200-point armies to the tournament. All figures are tournament legal providing the collector number on their combat dial matches the collector number on the base. Original figures must be used so all players can see the figures they are facing, however, these figures may be painted and/or detailed as the player likes. Only one unique of each type may be used (Collector number 145 to 176). Armies that are below the 200-point limit receive a bonus to victory calculations as stated below.

Terrain and the Battlefield
Head-to-Head Tournaments are played on a standard 3&rsquox3&rsquo playing surface. Elevated terrain may not be used, however all other forms of terrain are tournament legal, including Special Terrain. Each terrain piece must conform to minimum and maximum sizes, measured by area. For each terrain piece, multiply the length by the width to determine the terrain area. The minimum area is 16 square inches. The maximum area is 64 square inches. Walls have a default width of 1 inch for area calculation. Neither the width nor the length of any terrain piece may exceed 10 inches. Each player is responsible for bringing four pieces of terrain to the tournament. Players place their terrain in a pool (totaling eight pieces) from which four pieces of terrain are selected per &ldquoSetting the Scene&rdquo on page 3 of the rulebook. No terrain may be placed in an opponent&rsquos Starting Area (within 3 inches of his edge and at least 8 inches from each side).

Tournament Rules
1. Tournaments use all Mage Knight rules and the abilities listed on the Special Abilities Card (SAC) unless expressly changed or appended here. The latest edition of the Mage Knight rules and SAC are considered the legal standard for the tournament.
2. Rules questions will be determined based on the frequently asked questions (FAQ) posted on the Mage Knight web site, In all questions, the judge&rsquos ruling is final. Players are encouraged to resolve questions themselves if possible using Mage Knight Etiquette found on page 11 of the rulebook.
3. Captives must be returned to a player&rsquos Starting Area to count toward final victory points. No victory points are scored for captives that are not returned to the captor&rsquos starting area (within 3 inches of his edge and at least 8 inches from each side).
4. If it discovered the collector&rsquos number on a figure&rsquos base does not match the collector&rsquos number on that figure&rsquos combat dial, the owning player is eliminated from the tournament.

Victory in each game is determined by each player&rsquos accumulated Victory Points. When time elapses or all troops on one side are eliminated, demoralized and/or captured, the game ends. At the end of the game, total your Victory Points and give them to the judge. If one side&rsquos troops are all eliminated, demoralized, and/or captured, that player loses. If both players non-demoralized troops at the end of the game, the player with the highest Victory Point total wins. To determine Victory Points:

1. Start with the total point value of all opposing figures you have eliminated. Opposing figures that are eliminated multiple times add their value to your Victory Points for each instance they were eliminated.

2. Add double the point value for all opposing captured troops in your Starting Area. Captured troops not in your Starting Area at the end of the game add zero.

3. Add the point value of each friendly, non-captured, non-demoralized figure that remains on the battlefield at the end of game, as long as it was on the battlefield for the entire game (i.e., as long as it was not eliminated at any point during the game and returned due to Necromancy).

4. Add the points not used to create your army (e.g. a 198-point army gets 2 additional points in a 200-point tournament).

The sum total of this calculation is called the Victory Point Total for a player. If the Victory Point Totals for both players in a game are tied, use the following tie-breakers in order:
a. Player who built his army with the fewest points wins (e.g., a 198-point army wins against a 200-point army).
b. Player with the highest cumulative point value of non-Demoralized figures on the map at the end of the game wins.
c. Player with the highest point value of opposing captives in his Starting Area wins.
d. Player who eliminated the most opposing figures wins. (A figure that is eliminated multiple times counts as multiple figures.)
e. Player with the largest number of figures in his original army wins.
f. Both players roll two dice. High roll wins.

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