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Welcome to the homepage of the WoT RP MOO. This MOO is a MOO that is dedicated to RPing (role-playing) several fictional characters based on the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. Please note that these characters are not actually from the books. To learn more, please check out the rest of the page. Below you will find several links - they will take you to various other areas of this page. Please feel free to check them out.

Also...this page is meant simply to be a communication device between the creators of the MOO. Do not expect much at first.

Important Links

WoT RP Logs.

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages - An excellent site devoted to The Wheel of Time.
Another excellent site, this is a WoT based roleplaying game done through message boards. Definately check it out.

You can e-mail the creators at: and

Please remember that the world of the Wheel of Time and people, places and things mentioned within it is copyright Robert Jordan.