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This Is my John Lennon Page. I've liked John Lennon for a very long time. I think he is a very talented and gifted individual.. John Lennon was born October 9 1940 in Liverpool England. His parents were Fred and Juila Lennon. John spent most of his life with is Aunt Mimi

A lot later John formed a band called the Beatles.The Beatles are consider (and as far as I'm concerned) one of the best bands of all time. The beatles stayed together for nearly a decade.Well,basically a decade.They wrote hunderds of songs. And inspired many bands in the future. The beatles were actors (well kinda) They were in a few movies: A Hard Days Night, HELP!, Magical Mystery Tour, Yellow Submarine, Let it Be

The Beatles broke up in 1970.:o*( After the Beatles broke all of them went there seperate ways.. All of them persuded solo careers some good some not.They all had there ups and downs. But they also all had the reputation from being in the beatles so I think that helped them but there solo careers also helped them gain fans of all sorts. John's solo career was awesome.

John also gained fans in his solo career. In a way (this is me talking) he "matured" in his own music.The music reflected more on his life and what he's experienced through the years and that made his music have more meaning. John made a lot of songs during that time that are really famous still today like Imagine, Give Peace Chance, Mind Games, Jealous Guy, (just like) Starting Over, Woman (I think you get the point) ..

Unfortunatly John was shot on December 8 1980.. In front of his apartment *sniff* The whole world was saddened by the tragic loss of John Winston Ono Lennon. His spirit and legacy will live forever..

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