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New Signings Update!

Friday 5th September

Keep the date free as LPR FC are going to London in style! Bowds and I are arranging 2 limo's to chauffer Lower Earley's finest around the sights and sounds of London for an evening. Prices are yet to be confirmed but will be around the £30 mark.

You can take your own beer on board the limo and the driver will act like a taxi for us throughout the night meaning that he will wait for us outside bars until we are finished and then he will drive us to the next one!

This will undoubtably be a top night and I can vouch for that, especially if we end up in Soho like the last time a few of us did this!

Bowds will be collecting cash of you very soon so make sure you reserve your place. Like I said, we want as many of us as possible as it would be great cruising around the West End in a convey of Limo's.

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