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Stasia's Space

Hey everyone, this is Stasia. I've had this page for like 2 years, and I've been slacking when it comes to updating it, so, umm, yeah, that's what I'm doing right now. Like I had said in my last update, I got accepted in Massachusetts Communications College, which was my #1 school. And it's deemed itself worthy. I am studying radio broadcasting, so keep stay tuned, cause you may hear my voice on the radio sometime soon. Also, the best part about the school is that it's 80% guys, that's right, and only 20% girls. Plus it's right in the middle of Boston, near lots of places to shop and just chill. And the best part of my whole college experience so far is that I'm coming out of my shy shell. I'm meeting lots of cool people, going out and trying new things. Plus I've been clubbin' and going to raves, so I'm not just meeting people from my school or area, but peeps from all around.

I'm still in pretty close contact with my chicas from back home in Gloucester, so that's pretty good. Here's a pic of us from the semiformal, which was our senior year (last year).

Top 3:(from left) Bridget, Me, Viki G.
Bottom 2:(from left) Vickie B., Karyn

So for right now, though, there isn't too much updating, just some neat little things that I've found to dress up the site a bit, cause I thought they would look nice. Tell me what you think and sign the guest book, or e-mail me, whatever is cool

Here are my current pages
Back in da' Day
My Peeps

As I mentioned in my last update, I was hoping to get a digital camera for christmas, and I did! These are just a couple of the ones I took on christmas while learning how to use it, enjoy!:

Here is an oh so sexy pic of my little brother, note the sarcasm. He's 16, and loves the fact that I'm away at college and can get away with anything.

This is my puppy, Kornphlake. My now ex bf gave her to me last year when we were still together. I also I have a scottish terrier/mix named george, and a picture of him will be up soon.