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The Knights of
Dol Amroth


Honorable Dunedain, lend me your ears!
The storm-cloud is growing, it soon shall draw near.
The Enemy gathers his allies together,
His fearful power! Can it be weathered
By women and plow-hands in humble homes?
Or in strongest fortress, besieged alone?
His forces may penetrate all the fair places,
Filling your homeland with foul disgraces.
Only in one course can we find hope-
Stand together! It is said that rope
Is stronger than the threads it 'twines.
If we stand together we may find
We can turn the storm before our homes
Are turned to rubble, no stone upon stone.
The city of Gondor has called for aid,
There our last desperate stand should be made.
The Knights of Dol Amroth are answering the call,
And would fain have support of any and all
Good Fighters, Rangers, or Men of the Law
Who'll help Minas Tirith and hold the walls.
If you do not come, the storm will rain
Death upon forest, hill and plain!
Attend to your duty, cast off your sloth,
Join with The Knights of Dol Amroth.

(Ship & Swan)


This document is here to explain how our guild works to those who are interested in joining us and to remind members of policy. Portions of the information contained here reflect policy that is currently being developed. That information may change from time to time. If you like, you may be able to speak with Knights on irc channel #knights. For your convenience, this document has been divided into the following sections:

History | Objectives | Honor Code | Applying | Members | Ranking | Offices


History of The Knights

The Knights of Dol Amroth is a group of characters on The Two Towers LP MUD. We are not yet a guild, but we have been approved and will enter the test guild phase during mid-November, according to our immortal liason. We anticipate moving into our guildhall, which will be part of The Castle of Dol Amroth, soon after Minas Tirith can be entered. The Two Towers is a MUD, a text-based multi-player Internet gaming environment, based on the vast world of Arda created in J. R. R. Tolkien's works The H obbit, The The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion. The following appear in the first chapter of The Return of the King, volume three of The Lord of the Rings:

 "But beyond, in the great fief of Belfalas, dwelt Prince Imrahil
  in his castle of Dol Amroth by the sea, and he was of high blood,
  and his folk also, tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes."

When the companies of allies march into the Gates of Minas Tirith to defend the city against the amassing horde of orcs and evil men from the Shadowed Land to the east, the Knights of Dol Amroth are the largest and most gladly received group:

"And last and proudest, Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth, kinsman of the Lord,
 with gilded banners bearing his token of the Ship and the Silver Swan, and a

 company of knights in full harness riding grey horses; and behind them seven
 hundreds of men at arms, tall as lords, grey-eyed, dark-haired, singing asthey came."


Objectives of the Knights of Dol Amroth:

  1. Uniting honorable Dunedain
  2. Promoting good causes and honorable actions
  3. Aggressive defense of Gondor
  4. Eliminating the Enemy's forces whenever possible

The Code of Honor, to be followed exactly by all Knigh ts and Men-At-Arms of Dol Amroth:



The members of The Knights of Dol Amroth are committed to living honorably and t o bringing glory to Gondor, to Belfalas, to Prince Imrahil and The Knights of Dol Amroth, a nd to themselves. This list is current as of 21 December 1998.
There are 20 members. Follow a link on a JavaScript capable browser for information on each member.

Dragomir, Regent of Dol Amr oth

Anacreon , Earenduil , Artimus , Tempest , Ohtar , Eretorn , Ilian , Somnis , Morodin , Daniel

Men At Arms
Hevron , Ringsilver , Aradalf

Ansuil , Belegruin , Wintermute , Aradanacil , Darkbane , Dawall , Durbosch , Kikov

, Leal , Calhoun , Nimrandil , Torren , Maldhyr

Membership requirements:
Only Dunedain are eligible for admission. Warriors, Rangers and Sheriffs are preferred, tough in these desperate times Civilians will be accepted. Wizards meddle too much in things we are not meant to understand; Thieves and Assassins do not fit our goals and will not be admitted. We are not willing to put women at risk in combat, but if you are a woman with a clear idea of what you can contribute to The Knights, speak with us. You may be the one to define the role of women in our guild. Interested individuals can join as "Squires" or "Gentlemen" to be evaluated. If you wish to join, contact Daniel or apply at our barracks in Minas Tirith.


History | Objectives | Honor Code | Applying | Members | Ranking | Offices


Live with Honor!

This page is maintained by Daniel, a Knight of Dol Amroth. If you wish to mail me concerning the Knights or this page, please include your alias on T2T. I prefer that you contact me by MUD mail rather than email if you are familiar with T2T.