Welcome To The Jonny Quest Headquarter!

Geeze, I'm nervous! My very first homepage. What if I screw up?! Dang! It's in moments like these I wish that I had some encouraging words to take in... Well, I guess I'm gonna have to handle this myself, aren't I? This is my page! Yeah, like there was any need for another one. Well, this one is gonna be a little different. You see, I thought Jessie seemed so lonley and all, so I created a new figure. Her name is Danielle and you can read more about her in her biography. Well, OK, then! The moment you've all been waiting for! Heeeeere's Jonny!

(I don't remember who I swiped this from, but whoever it was, if you read this, please, give me a holler if you want me to take it down, and I will)

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Last update Februari 4th, 1999

Wanna see what changed since last time you were here?

Hey, everybody! If you have any questions or thingies you want to say to me, why don't you contact me! That's be fun! If you have ICQ, my number is 37779768, otherwise, my e-mail is on the bottom of every page.

Hello? This is new. What is it? Oh, my god! This is sick! What kind of psycho-mind developed this... This... THING!? Wait! Wait! Don't go in here! Don't! Don't!


I warned you...

Added Februari 4th, 1999

Hey! Why don't you enter my NEW
Fanfiction Challenge?!
Who knows? You might be the lucky winner!

Allright! This is what I have, And there is more to come!

Great Fanfiction by me and (eventually) other authors.

Some slammin' pages I somehow got a hold of. And don't worry, I only list the best!

My Dear, Sweet Little Danielle!
Read up a bit on my new character, Danielle?

Maybe you would like to know a bit more about the webring I'm attached to for the moment?

My Messageboard!
Go in here and post a little message on my board, so that everybody can read your inner most feelings about JQ.

The Fanfic Rating System!
How to rate a fanfic - Compiled by The Semi-Retired Archive Goddess, Suze Howe.

All The Weird People On The Net!
Here, you can find out a bit more about all the JQ-fans running around out on the net, and what groups they are part of.

About Me!
Do you want to know a bit more about the owner of this page?

Some very special people, without whom this page would still be an unborn fetus of my mind.

Isn't this just the sweetest little page you've ever seen? Why don't you drop me a line, telling me what you like and dislike about it?
And while you're at it, send in aaaaaall the fics you want! Cuz, as you can see, I am in desperate need of FanFiction, especially HR. Since that page is almost empty... And I KNOW that there are people out there who are just dying to get their Fics posted. And if I get some, I'll read them and then I just might post them, if they are up to my standards...
My standards aren't that high, dont worry.

Just click the box once and say: "There's no place like Questworld, there's no place like Questworld, there's no place like Questworld!" and your magic mousebutton will take you there!

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This page has been visited THIS many times since November 23rd, 1998! Can you believe it?!

Email: six_macgyver@hotmail.com