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Pam's Pages

09:15 p.m

Glad you could stop by !!

My name is Pam, and this is my part of the web.

You probably know me better as '' . My husband is better known as '' . We are avid Harley-Davidson enthusiasts ! He has a 1993 90th Anniversary edition FXLR Low Ryder as well as a custom built with a 113 S&S motor, 4 inch stretch small tube, soft-tail type frame. I own a 2001 Super Glide and am PATIENTLY waiting for him to add already purchased chrome to my bike, which he didn't tie down securely enough and left a big dent in my tank. I've also had saddle bags for it for months and he hasn't taken the time to put those on either.

He is a proud member of American Heritage Motorcycle Association !!! (I sure hope his buddies don't see this and rag him about not putting the chrome and stuff on my bike, that would be a shame .... heheheheh)
These pages were created especially for my fellow nurses and student nurses in hopes that you will find something here to make your load a little lighter.

Especially to my fellow student nurses, I would encourage you to use the Nursing Links page, as I have found it tremendously useful in my studies. You will find help with drug calculations, nursing care plans, pharmacology, on-line help sites, and web-zine subscriptions that are not only helpful and informative, but discuss healthcare concerns that need to be addressed.

I have included a Medical Humor page that I occasionally update. I hope that you can appreciate these, also.

By the end of your tour, I hope that you will have found something here that will have touched your life in some way. That is the purpose of creating these pages.

Dear Lord, So far today, I am doing all right. I have not gossiped, lost my temper, been greedy, grumpy, nasty, selfish, or overindulgent. However, I am going to get out of bed in a few minutes, and I will need a lot more help after that. Amen.

'Great Spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds !!'
Albert Einstein

I have created a page in honor of my nephew, Chad. I have dedicated this page in his memory.

He who angers you, conquers you !!


I am a 35 y/o newly married mother of two wonderful kids. My daughter is 14 y/o and my son is 10 y/o. My wonderful husband is the joy of my life as well as my best friend in the whole wide world....

I love all kinds of humor, no matter how sick and twisted. I love to have fun and try new things.

(My Kids and Me)
Future Harley Man!!
Now That's Concentration!!
The Whole Gang!!!


Meanwhile, I work as a nursing supervisor in an assisted living program.


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PoBoy's Garage and Wrecker Service
Check This Out !!!
My Dad's Business

Magistrates Office Homepage !!!

Ask Jeeves (this is a great search engine)

Go Here for Inspiration !!

About Paintball !!

PAINTBALL Tips for Beginners !!

Maybe I'm A B*tch!

Things I've Learned

In Memory of Chad
(See Link to Find out More About Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome)

Why I Chose Nursing

Nursing Links

Medical Humor