2014 Families Along the Edisto Reunion

The reunion is held every other year, the third Saturday in September.

Descendants of Carson and Nancy Cook Howell
Cook, Garvin, Goss, Howell, Huckabee(aa), Johnson, Keel, Redd, & Scott

Descendants of other families of Edisto settlers are welcome.

Where: Bethcar Baptist Church
Near Wagener, Aiken County, South Carolina
When: Saturday, September 20 2014
Time: 10:30 A.M. ‘til

Bring a Covered Dish
Paper goods, utensils, tea, and ice will be furnished

Want to share your family information and photographs?
Copy machine will be available to copy family group sheets, no charge
Machine will be availalbe to copy and print photographs for a reasonable fee.
Visit the Genealogical Societies' tables.
Family tables to share and swap information
Books Available for Purchase
Families Along the Edisto "The Howell Generations" by Hazel Smith
Families Along the Edsito "The Cooks" by Betty Shull & Hazel Smith
William Tyler & Ann Carter and Some of their Descendants by Al Brodie
"The Kitchings Family" by Al Brodie

Reunion Committee Members:
Hazel Smith, hazcsmith37@gmail.com (803) 943-3995
Louise Fallaw Garvin Amaker, LFamaker@aol.com (803)684-9482
John Howell, jjhowell41@aol.com (803)794-2079
Betty Shull, bnd217@pbtcomm.net (803)564-5306
Belinda Smith, belinda156@hotmail.com (803)238-6402

Directions To Church
Click HERE for photo of Church
Area Map showing location of Bethcar Baptist Church in Aiken County.

The Family Library

Email: hazcsmith37@gmail.com