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Hello and Welcome. My name is J. W. Holland. I was born in North Alabama on top of sand mountain in a small town called Dutton, on a cold, cold day in January so many years ago, and with a plastic spoon in my mouth. We now call Beaufort, South Carolina our home.

As a young man I worked at a Corn Mill, Cotton Gin and as a Farm hand defore being drafted into the United States Marine Corps on 14 Feburary 1952. Married Emma Sue Womack (my life line) from Scottsboro, Alabama, on May 8, 1952 while home on boot camp leave. Sue retired in 1993 as a Civil Service employee with some thirty-three years of service. I retired from the United States Marine Corps on 30 June 1974 and Civil Service on 21 January 1994.

While in service I served in Korea 1952 - 1953, Other Duty Stations were; Camp Lejune, NC (1x), MCSC, Albany, Ga. (2x), Okinawa (2x), MCRDepERR, Parris Island, SC (3x), Marine Barracks, 8th and I, Washington, DC (2x) and short sprints at many other locations like, Calif., Japan, Etc..

I have two (2) sons Jerry, and Steve, one (1) daughter Connie, four (4) granddaughters, Crystal, Jenny, Brandy and Samantha one (1) grandson Zake.

My oldest son, (Jerry) lives in Winter Springs, Fla. near Orlando, with two of my grandaughters, Brandy and Samantha, Jerry works at Lockheed/Martin as a PC Tech/Nework Specialist. AttaBoy son keep them running!
My Youngest son, (Steven) is a Commander in the United States Navy, Station at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. They have no kids,(two cats). Steve is the ONMR/OMMCR Finanical Management Analys for the Navy and one (1) Marine Corps Reserves Acccount at NAVCOMPT, in addition he is filling in the vacant slot as the Finanical Mansgement Analys for the Marine Corps Operation and Manitenance Marine Corps (O&MMC. "Semper Fidelis" my son

My daughter, (Connie) lives in Port Royal, SC with my other three grands, Crystal, Jenney and Zack, (actually Crystal moved out on her own, may the good Lord keep his eyes on her.) Connie is self employed.

My hobbies are bringing old computers back to life, fishing, Chatting with friends on the computer and chasing woman, what will I do if I catch one?

Now how did I come up with the name FUDGEN?....That name was given me whild playing marbles as a small child, I was accused of fudgen, and from that time in my life untill this day the name Fudge stuck like bubble gum on the bottom of your shoes. Now you know the rest of the story!


When your day is dark and cloudy...
and the sadness just won't end, just turn on your computer... write me...then click on 'send.'
Cause you know I'm here a'waitin... my shoulders always yours, no matter what the problem is, I've got the cures.
I'll try and make you smile again... and maybe giggle too, then when I've got you laughin... you'll forget that you were blue.
So please do not forget, my friend... that whatever it may be, turn on that ole computer... and head right straight to me.
Author unknown
My ICQ # 41587733...., Paltalk jwfudge ...., MNS Messenger.... jwfudge32


"Milltary Humor"

An Army grunt stands in the rain with a 35 pound pack on his back, 15 lb. weapon in hand, after having marched 12 miles, and says, "This sucks!"
An Army Airborne Ranger stands in the rain with a 45 lb. pack on his back, weapon in hand, after having jumped from an airplane and marched 18 miles, and says with a smile, "I like how this sucks!"
A Navy SEAL lies in the mud, 55 LB pack on his back, weapon in hand, after swimming 10 miles to shore, crawling through a swamp and marching 25 miles at night past the enemy positions, says with a grin, "This sucks great!"
A Marine, up to his nose in the stinking, bug-infested mud of a swamp with a 65 LB pack on his back and a weapon in both hands after jumping from an aircraft at high altitude, into the ocean, swimming 12 miles to the shore, killing several alligators to enter the swamp, then crawling 30 miles through the brush to assault an enemy camp, says, "I wish this sucked more!"
The Air Force NCO sits in an easy chair in an air conditioned, carpeted office and says, "My e-mail's out? Man this really sucks!
Which Military Service is Best!!!
A Soldier, a Sailor, an Airman and a Marine got into an argument about which service was "the best." The arguing became so heated the four servicemen failed to see a oncoming truck. They were run over by the truck and killed instantly. Soon the four servicemen found themselves at the Pearly Gates of Heaven. There, they met Saint Peter and decided that only he could be the ultimate source of truth and honesty. So, the four servicemen asked him, "Saint Peter, which branch of the United States Armed Forces is the best?" Saint Peter replied, "I can't answer that. however, I will ask God what he thinks the next time I see him. Meanwhile, thank you for your service on Earth and welcome to Heaven." Some time later the four servicemen see Saint Peter and remind him of the question they had asked when first entering Heaven. The four servicemen asked Saint Peter if he was able to find the answer. Suddenly, a sparkling white dove lands on Saint Peter's shoulder. In the dove's beak is a note glistening with gold dust. Saint Peter says to the four Servicemen, "Your answer from the Boss. Let's see what He says." Saint Peter opens the note, trumpets blare, gold dust drifts into the air, harps play crescendos, and Saint Peter begins to read the note aloud to the four Servicemen:

FROM: The Almighty One

TO: Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines


1. Gentlemen, all branches of the United States Armed Forces are honorable and noble. Each serves America well and with distinction. Being a serviceman in the United States Military represents a special calling warranting special respect, tribute and dedication. 2. Be proud of that.

Semper Fidelis,
USMC (Retired)


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PC Today
Personal Computing
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Science Digest
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Smithsonian Magazine
Southern Living
Teacher Magazine
Technical Horizons in Education Journal
U. S. News and World Reports
Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition
Plow and Hearth

Newspapers Online

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Atlanta, Georgia
The Chattanooga Times-Free Press, Chattanooga, Tennessee
The Beaufort Gazette Homepage, Beaufort, South Carolina
Daily Sentinel Homepage, Scottsboro, Alabama
Gadsden Times Homepage,Gadsden, Alabama
Huntsville Times, Huntsville, Alabama
Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, Alabama
New York Times Online, New York City, NY
USA Today Homepage
The Washington Post, Washington, D. C.
The Washington Times, Washington, D. C.
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Beaufort is queen of the Carolina Sea Islands. Called the most aristocratic town of its size in America. Before the "War Between the States", Beaufort and its historic ante-bellum mansions were largely spared the devastation of Sherman's march on the South and these magnificent homes still grace the downtown area with shady live oak trees hanging with Spanish moss.

Many of these mansions have been the sites for films, including "The Prince of Tides", "The Great Santini", "Forrest Gump", "Night Walk" and "The Big Chill", "The War", and in the movie " The War", all scenes that included the oak tree were filmed 500 yards from my house (As the bird flys). The oak is at the entrance to Carolina Shores subdivision.

The first recorded inhabitants were know as the Archaic Indians whose earliest traces date back over 4000 years. The Spanish exploration in 1514 was the first occurrence of Europeans to this area. Since then it has known Spanish conquistadors, French Hugenots, English privateers, treacherous pirates and bloody wars. It's hard to find anywhere without a view of the water and shimmering marshes alive with herons and other wonders.
Beaufort itself is nestled on the banks of the Beaufort River and the intercoastal waterway. It is a boater's paradise with its intricate saltwater creeks and rivers, which wind between the Sea Islands that make up this area. Some say that there are 80 islands - others over 100! Some are inhabited and others not.
Among the inhabited are Parris Island (home of the Marines), Dataw Island, a residential golfers paradise, Lady's Island, St. Helena Island with its Afro American culture and history protected by the Penn Center. Here you will hear the local Gullah language, acombination of English and African. Cat Island and Cane Island with its Daffodil Festival in February. Fripp Island, home to many celebrities and inspiration to many moviemakers to film the town. "The Prince of Tides" was shot here. Hunting Island is a gem of a state park with miles of white sands and a protected natural habitat. For nature lovers there are Bray's Island, Callawassie Island, and Spring Island. Beaufort itself sits on Port Royal Island. It's impossible to name them all. You just have to come here and explore.
Port Royal town is 5 miles from Beaufort and an integral part of the community. Predating Jamestown and St. Augustine by 45 years, Port Royal was the first settlement in the new world, founded by Jean Ribaut in 1562, Port Royal has been ruled under 7 flags: French, Spanish, English, Scottish, Confederate, USA and South Carolina. Lovely homes were built; some of which are still in existence. Today, Port Royal is on the move again, providing a neighborhood community of old and new houses, new industry and the revitalization of the "Old Town" section Lady's Island has a lot of new residential developments, varied enough to suit most tastes. It is one of the fastest expanding islands. Many people choose Lady's Island with its convenient shopping and lovely water views.
The climate is beyond comparison. The winters are mild and the camellias seem to bloom forever. However, there is always a breeze to protect you again the heat in the summer.
True Southern hospitality prevails with an aura of days gone by. Take a leisurely tour by horse drawn carriage, a guided walking tour, a boat tour, a bike tour, or a bus tour and hear the history of how the sea islands were discovered by Spanish explorers in 1514. The French and then the English arrived and the town was named after Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort. But strangely enough, it is notpronounced the same way. It is pronounced Bewfort to rhyme with beauty. Not a bad idea.
During its mercantile days, the cotton, indigo, and rice plantations surrounded Beaufort. Plantation owners who came to Beaufort for the bracing breezes and summer conviviality built many of the historic mansions.
If you stroll down Bay Street with its art galleries and boutiques, you will find a number of restaurants and cafes all opening up to the waterfront. There you can eat the local catch, be it shrimp, oysters as sweet as you will ever find, or blue crab. She Crab soup is a local wonder. Anywhere you wander away from downtown, you will find excellent food - from barbecue to haute cuisine. Many restaurants have musical entertainment. Luxurious Bed and Breakfast Inns in Ante-bellum houses, and accommodations are present in Beaufort and the surrounds offering every kind hospitality.
Beaufort Memorial Hospital and the Naval Hospital attract some of the finest physicians you could hope to find. There are 12 golf courses within a 25-mile radius, museums, tours, and festivals going on year round. Three of the most popular are the Gullah Festival at the end of May, the Water Festival in July and the Shrimp Festival in October. All year round there are music, dance and other cultural events happening. So, if you want to improve your mind, or you tennis, it is here for you, be horse carriage, bicycle, or on foot.
Beaufort County is an area with a heart and soul and not to be missed. Beaufort is in the bottom tip of South Carolina 35 miles north of Savannah, GA. A short ways up HiWay 21 North is the small cross road, called Grays Hill, this is where you can find me.

holland32@hargray.com, Paltalk jwfudge, ...MSN messenger jwfudge32,...ICQ 41587733

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