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And if you like the clips and want the tapes,then go to my tape trading and selling page at

Cactus Jack crushing Shoji Nakamaki between a barbed wire board and the ropes 535K . Cactus Jack nails an elbow drop on some nails and Shoji Nakamaki. 325K . Hiroshi Ono slamming Shoji Nakamaki on tacs. 464KK . Masato Tanaka powerbombs the Gladiator onto a table K NEW Matasunga's 30 Foot BALCONY DIVE!!! 866K . Brian Lee chokeslams Tommy Dreaner off of a cage 808K . Pitbull #2 powerbombs Shane Douglas through to chairs 866K . Pitbull #2 superbombs Francine through a table 808K . Sabu does a moonsault off of the top rop onto Louie Spicolli and a table. 578K . Matasunga dives off the top of a cage onto Mr. Pogo K . Mr. Pogo blows fire on Matasunga

Terry Funk blows fire onto Mr. Pogo then Pogo falls into explosive barbed-wire 439K . Terry Funk knocks Cactus Jack off of a ladder onto barbed wire 416K . Terry Funk picks up Mr. Pogo and drops him on explosive barbed-wire 726K . W*ING Kanemura and Masato Tanaka fall into electrified barbed-wire 496K NEW W*ING Kanemura whips Masato Tanaka into electrified barbed-wire 536K NEW Yukihiro Kanemura knocks Masato Tanka through a table. 364K . ECW VIDEO #1
MOVIE: Quicktime.This is the opening credits to Touken Retsuden 3!!! (Size: 0.4MB)

Goose-Stepper breaks a fluorescent light over the Assassin's head - Animated GIF (123 KB) Kendo Nagasaki dives off a scafflod onto Shoji Nakamaki 438K . Matasunga falls off of a scafflod onto barbed-wire 444K . Ring explodes on Atushi Onita and W*ING Kanemura 594K . Shoji Nakamaki suplexes Kendo Nagasaki onto barbed-wire 576K . Shoji Nakamaki powerbombing Hiroshi Ono on tacs 442K . Taz T-bone Tazplexes Tommy Dreamer off the sound stage and through a table, OH MY GOD!
Rob Van Dam does an awsome frogsplash off the top rope to crash Sabu through a table!
Sabu crashes Rob Van Dam through a broken table with a top rope huracanrana!
Tommy Dreamer and Big Dick Dudly: From ECW's first ever PPV, "Barely Legal", Tommy Dreamer chokeslams Big Dick Dudly off the sound stage and through three tables!!! (00:03) (279K)
Sabu and The Sandman: Sabu arabian facebusters a ladder off off the top rope and onto The Sandman at "November to Remember '97"! (00:02) (280K)
Sabu and The Sandman: From "House Party '98", Sabu runs then jumps off the soundstage to legdrop The Sandman through a table! (00:03) (329K)
Sabu and The Sandman: Another clip from "House Party '98" of Sabu jumping off a chair and dropkicking another chair along with a roll of barbed wire into The Sandman's bloodied face! (00:03) (354K)
Terry Funk and Sabu: Terry Funk pushes Sabu off into no-rope barbed wire at "Born to be Wired"! (00:03) (358K)
The Sandman and Raven: The Sandman DDTs Raven on a section of steel guard rail for the win at "November to Remember '96"! (00:06) (439K)
Sabu and The Sandman: Sabu causes The Sandman to fall and flip off the top of a ladder and go through a ringside table at "House Party '98", OH MY GOD! (00:05) (527K)
The Sandman and Sabu: A very bloodied Sandman, with his head wrapped in barbed wire, canes Sabu right across the face for the win at "House Party '98"! (00:08) (700K)
Taz, Johnny Grunge, and Sabu: From "Double Tables", Taz and Johnny Grunge go through a table together from the second rope as Sabu looks on! (00:03) (283K)
Sabu, Todd Gordon, and Bill Alphonso: Sabu legdrops Todd Gordon and Bill Alphonso through table from a chair that was balanced on the top rope at "Harcore Heaven '97"! (00:02) (323K)
Bam Bam Bigelow and Spike Dudly: Bam Bam Bigelow press slams Spike Dudly into the first row but then gets saved by some ECW fans at "As Good As It Gets"! (00:04) (673K)
Bam Bam Bigelow and Spike Dudly: From "Hardcore Heaven '97", Bam Bam Bigelow press slams Spike Dudly out of the ring and into the third row except this time, nobody catches him, oh my god! (00:06) (535K)
Mikey Whipwreck and Justin Credible: From "Wrestlepalooza '98", Mikey Whipwreck suplexes Justin Credible off a guard rail and through a table! (00:03) (317K)
Rocco Rock and Sabu: Rocco Rock puts Sabu smack through the middle of a table with the "Drive By" off the top rope at "Double Tables"! (00:02) (179K)
Terry Funk and Sabu: Terry Funk picks up Sabu to then drop him leg-apart on no-rope barbed wire at "Born to be Wired"! (00:04) (481K)
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RavenGirls Page
Loosecannons ecw clips
Phat Japan clips,as well as ecw and wwf
Timebombs wrestling site with some relly good clips!!!
Wes Vance Wrestling Videos
The best wrestling chat in the world!!!!
Ohmygods site,it is truley hardcore!
Special Thanx:First of all i give a special thanx to all the people in Whoo!!!!Ecspecially WastedYouth,the coolest person on the net,Youth is in Whoo alot so you can go chat with him there!also i give credit to weavils page, timebombs page,loosecannons page,ohmygod's page,and anyone's stuff i used, i give all you credit!And also if anything on my site doesnt work just mail me what was wrong and i will do my best to fix it.Also,if you like the site please put my site on your site cause i would really apreciate it!


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