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David Sims Family home page

Welcome to my first web page. I owe it all to my Lord and his great promise in this passage.

Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

I think the Lord Jesus Christ for all he has done and will do in my family's lives this year. My intent is to prase the Lord who SAVED me and to do all I can to spreed the gospel.

It's because of Adam we are sinners, Romans 5:12

Because our sin we must die and go to hell, Romans 3:23

We Must pay for our sins by death, Romans 6:23

Jesus paid for our sin by his death making us righteous before God, Romans 5:6-9

We must call on Jesus Christ to Save us from our sin, Romans 10:13

We must call on Jesus and confess we are sinners and believe that he rose from the dead, Romans 10:9-11

If you have asked Jesus into your heart because you read it on this web page and believed in Christ let me know it would be a great blessing to me

I would also like to let other Sims genealogist know that I'm out here looking for our roots and it would be great to hear from them even if we are not related.

The page will change as I have more time to learn about html and have the time to edit the page, I will have my families Genealogy. I will have sermons and my Navy/Christian service history as I'm able to add to the page. As I find out more about my famliy, This to will be updated as we find out more information about the Sims's. This is all I have time to do today. But if you know any thing about the Sims family please e-mail me at or

The things that I Love in this life

Sermons coming soon

Service for the Lord History coming soon

Family Goings on coming soon

Navy Service history coming soon

My Favorite Links

Win or Lose by: C.S. Lewis
Sims Family Genealogy
Bob Jones University
Calvary Baptist Church, Simpsonville SC
