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Justin's Home Page

The Group at Clemson

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
What can I say, It's Keith's Page
Brian Cumming's girlfriend's Homepage
This is just so funny..Stick People that don't survive...
About Me, Justin Kaspar
Brooke Adam's Web Page
Kevin Kearney's Page
Brian Cumming
Michael Dunkerley - That's all I can say
Brent Cotton - Brian's cousin and Mike's roommate
Wanna know about Keith...Click here
Dorothea Garner
Kristen Hensley's Web Page

Captain Kaspar's Page of cool stuff

This is a first web page...we will see how it goes. Wish me luck!

This page is totally still under construction so please
deal with it.

Would you like to see what the weather is like where I come from? Charleston Area weather

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to hear from you!

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