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Home Page of Debabrata Ray



Name :   Mr Debabrata Ray

Address : Association of Voluntary Blood Donors, West Bengal

               20 A Fordyce Lane, Calcutta - 700014, INDIA

Residence : 34 Malakarpara Road, Flat 2B, Kolkata - 700038, INDIA

Telephone : Res : +(91)(33) 24006625 

                  AVBDWB : +(91)(33)22271022

Email :

Academic & Professional :

Ballygunge Government High School : School Final, Board of Secondary Education West Bengal

Central Calcutta College : Intermediate Science, Calcutta University

College of Engineering and Technology : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, Jadavpur University

Worked with M. N. Dastur & Co., Consulting Engineers and Jessop & Co. Worked as Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering in a Polytechnic for 34 years. Retired from services in July 2000. Worked as an investigator in an econometric survey - a project of Reserve Bank of India on Small Scale Industries. Awarded Gold Medal for All Round Proficiency in School.

Fellow Institution of Engineers (INDIA), Member Indian Society for Technical Education, Member National Council of Education, Bengal, worked as Secretary Jadavpur Vidyapith (N & P) for fifteen years.

Served as a member of the University Senate, University Working Council, Academic Council, State Council for Engineering & Technical Education, Senior Board of Examinations & Syllabus and various expert committee of the Govt., Universities for educational planning, reform and curricula development for more than twenty years, Former General Secretary & Joint Secretary of West Bengal Polytechnic Teachers' Federation, Former Editor Padakshep a Bulletin of Technical Teachers, Former Secretary and former Vice President of Teachers Council of Ramakrishna Mission Shilpapitha, Belghoria.

Sports, Athletics, Debate & NCC

University Blue in Cricket & Hockey. Played in the first division clubs for thirteen years. Won individual athletics championship at Jessop & Co. Regular member of the University debating team. Passed B&C Certificate Examination of NCC Air wings.

Social Work

Organised relief work during flood, drought and refugee influx for and on behalf of the University. Worked with a leading religious organisation in their service wing for four years during the refugee influx in the state. Worked in various capacity Treasurer, Member of the Secretariat & Executive

Committee and various Committees & Sub-committees of a voluntary self help students health service project of the state in developing the health service, setting up the hospital, polyclinics, setting up & supervision of district centres and mobile medical unit, developing and conducting first aid training programme, health education and workers training programme and designing awareness campaign programmes, initiating students in donating blood and train them to spread the message of blood donations among the student community for twenty one years and piloted many fund raising programmes and activities.

Work in the field of Voluntary Blood Donation Movement

Worked with a students health service organisation for popularising blood donation among the student community. One of the founder members of the Association of Voluntary Donors, West Bengal - a hundred percent voluntary organisation who actually elevated the donor motivation in the scientific level in India. Working in designing, planning, development demonstration of donor motivational campaign technique, curriculum for school students, workers training programme designing of campaign materials, working as a member of the editorial board of the quarterly bulletin "Gift of Blood". Faculty member of the course Social Service - Blood Donor Motivation, at Jadavpur University, University of North Bengal, Rabindra Bharati University & Kalyani University, served as faculty member of I.I.T., Kharagpur, National Service Scheme Officers training course to offer lecture on blood donor motivation, Lokshiksha Parisad & Gram Sevak training Centre, Ramakrishna Mission, Narendrapur, Visiting Lecturer of various teachers' training & Management Institute on blood donor motivation including All India Institute of Hygiene & Public Health; and National AIDS control organisation. Conducted Training Programmes on Blood Donor Motivation at Ahmedabad, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Dehradum, Nellore, Jamshedpur, Agartala, Chandigarh, Delhi, Lucknow and Rhotak.

Presentation of Papers

Presented papers and demonstrated motivational techniques in the National Conference of I.S.B.T.I. at Madras, Patna, Pune, Bangalore, Jamshedpur, National Seminar & Workshop on Blood Donor Motivation at Calcutta in 1985, Seminar & Workshop of Indian Council of Medical Research at Bombay, State Conferences on Blood Donor Motivation in West Bengal, WHO sponsored Workshop at Amman, Jordon in 1990, F.I.O.D.S. Symposium on Blood Donor Motivation at Denpasar, Indonesia in 1990, International Conference & Workshop on Blood Donor Motivation at Calcutta in 1990, WHO consultation meetings at Geneva (1991), World Congress at Spain (1993), National Workshop at Calcutta in 1994 and International Colloquium at Calcutta in 1995, National Workshops at Pune in 1996 and Jaipur 1997, FIODS meet at Warshaw (1995); First Asia Pacific Conference on Blood Donor Recruitment at Bangkok (1997),International conference at Bombay (1998), National Workshop at Kolkata 2000, IFBDO Congress at Canada (2002), Third Social Forum at Port Alegere, Brazil (2003), Mauritius (2003), International Colloquium of International Red Cross at China (2004), International Colloquium of IFRC at Cairo Egypt.


Demonstrated the school education programme at Delhi, Bombay, Chandigarh, Bangalore, Ahmedabad & Port Blair, Madras, Pune, Amman, Paris, London, Geneva, Bangkok, Mauritius.

Participation in WHO Programmes in India & Abroad

Participated as an expert in WHO assisted workshops of Govt. of India on National Policy at Delhi in 1986 and Donor Motivation at Surajkund in 1989 and worked as a resource person of Govt. of India at WHO sponsored workshops at Chandigarh and Jamshedpur in 1989; worked as a consultant in the workshop on Blood Donor Recruitment at Amman, Jordan in 1990, Worked as Resource Person for preparing documents of WHO, Geneva in 1991 under Global Blood Safety Initiative. Worked as Resource person for Training Programme of WHO, Geneva at Dacca, Bangaldesh (2000), conducted Training Programme for WHO in Dacca and Chittagang, Bangaldesh (2002), worked as Resource Person of WHO's Training Programme for SE Asia at Aurangabad in 2003.

Working with the Committee of Experts of Govt. of India to prepare the blue print of implementation of voluntary blood donation programme in the country. 


Conducted Workshop at TELCO, Jamshedpur for Senior Management Staff on Blood Donation, at Calcutta, Bangalore, Delhi on School Education Programme, Ahmedabad, Pune, Nasik, Bombay, Madras, Bhavnagar, Delhi for training of Social Workers and Blood Donor Motivators & Organisers.

Publication on Blood Donor Motivation

A number of publications on Blood Donor Motivation in the bulletin "Gift of Blood" of AVBDWB, NSS News letter of I.I.T. Kharagpur and Transfusion Bulletin of I.S.B.T.I., Compiler, Editor & Author of National Guidebook on Blood Donor Motivation published by the Ministry of Health, Govt. of India under WHO sponsored programme, Author of Teachers Guides for training of Social Workers of West Bengal. Author of National Guidebook on Donor Motivation (Second Revised Edition of NACO, 2003)

Radio & TV Programme on Blood Donation

Invited and delivered a number of lectures and talks. Participated in discussions on blood donation from the Calcutta Centre of All India Radio & TV (Door Darsan) on number of occasions and also at B.B.C. (U.K., London) and Spain. Worked as resource person for producing and presenting a TV programme in National Network for school students on Blood Donation, Redeeming Rhesus Babies for common people under U.G.C. Programme.

International Organisation

Former Vice President from Asia in the International Federation of Blood Donor Organisations (FIODS), Paris.

State Blood Transfusion Council West Bengal

Working as a representative of voluntary organisation to the State Blood Transfusion Council, West Bengal.

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