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Free Home Pages
by Angelfire

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Better Internet

Lutheran Church-
Missouri Synod

Mount Olive
Lutheran Church
Irmo SC

The Lutheran Witness

The Lutheran Hour

Daily Devotion


Family Chart 1

Family Chart 2

Family Chart 3

Family Chart 4


Native America


Myrtle Beach

Myrtle Beach

Welcome One And All to Chuck's Domain


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Home is where the heart is and my heart is in this page. All glory be to God. It is dedicated to my family and displayed for the enjoyment of all who take the time to view it. The background music is "Lara's Theme" from the movie "Doctor Zhivago". I chose this music as a tribute to my deceased wife, Anna Lois Burcham, because we saw this movie on our first date and it is forever etched in my memory. Thank you for visiting me here at Angelfire.

It is also a testimonial to my belief in Jesus Christ who died on the cross to save me from my sins and insure that I will have eternal life. My faith is child like and I trust in the Lord to take care of me and provide for all of my needs. He answers all my prayers, not necessariy what I want to hear but He knows what is best for me. I am currently a member of the Mount Olive Lutheran Church in Irmo, South Carolina. My walk with the Lord began at Trinity Lutheran Church, Logan, Ohio, in 1974 or thereabout. I was a member there until 1992 when my wife passed away and I began travelling the United States in a motorhome. The biggest part of the next five years was spent near Harlingen, Texas, so I transferred my membership to Saint Pauls Lutheran Church in that city. When I tired of travel, I decided to settle down in Lexington, South Carolina, and transferred my membership to Mount Olive and I am so glad to be in a congregation with a pastor who takes his ordination very seriously. Our church is growing and is considering the establishment of a pre-school to serve a very pressing need in the surrounding community. Anyone who is interested in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod or Mount Olive Lutheran Church can click on the links in the left Column. There are also links for the Lutheran Witness, the Church magazine, and the Lutheran Hour, the Church radio ministry.

My genealogy research is an ongoing work and all results will be recorded here in due time. Primary surnames being researched are WELLER, BURTON, WEINKAUF and HARVEY. These families all originated in Germany for the most part and resided in Ohio and Kentucky. You can access my family tree by selecting it from the links on the left. There have been vague references to Native American roots but I have not come across them in my research as yet. If you have information on any of these families and would like to share it, please send it to me by e-mail.

My long standing interest in Native American culture has inspired me to devote a page to this facet of my life. In the words of the Hopi, Polingaysi Qoyawayma, "We who are clay blended by the Master Potter, come from the kiln of Creation in many hues. How can people say one skin is colored, when each has its own coloration? What should it matter that one bowl is dark and the other pale, if each is of good design and serves its purpose well." It is my ambition to learn as much as I can about my red brothers. I have used the Internet at great length to gain useful knowledge and the link to Elan Michaels' web site on Page Two lists many pages of great interest to anyone who is seeking information about Native America.

Photography has long been one of my favorite hobbies. If I live long enough, I will get all of my pictures out there on the web someday. I have traveled extensively in the past eight years and visited many national parks and monuments, state parks and local historical places. I have tried to capture as much of it on film as I possibly could and I would like to share a few of them with you. My albums at can be reached by clicking on the link at the left. My next goal is to get into digital photography.

This page is updated regularly so please come back often. If you like what you see, click on "Mail" to let me know or Sign my Guestbook.

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Easy Listening

These are some of my favorite songs and I have put them here for your listening pleasure as well as my own.To listen, make your selection by pressing the button of your choice.
Star Spangled Banner God of Our Fathers America the Beautiful

Misty Crazy Always

Carmen Unchained Nearness

Crazy World Imagination Be Seeing You


Copyright © 2000,Charles Weller, All Rights Reserved.