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Hey Pookies :) :) :)

Okay, I have a limited selection of pictures because the only way for me to get them is if a friend scans them then sends them to enjoy what I have! here goes... :)

Okay, there's some explaining to do...we were a little excited because the tub had jets that made it a whirl pool we all decided to get the way, this was at a horse show in Georgia in 1998.

This is Jami's horse The Constant Fire, "Fire", we also call him Firome Jenkins...but that's another story. This was also at a horse show in Georgia.

This was the first sunrise of the year 2000 at Isle of Palms, South Carlolina. I wasn't in the picture because I was still at Diana's house sleeping, just getting to sleep rather :)

This is Whitni jumping one of her favorite horses, Joe.

This is Jamee and me practicing for the stick horse relay at the Arabian Youth Jamboree in Georgia...yep, same show that we were in the tub at. Kinda makes you wonder about us equestrians ey?

This is one of my "big brothers" Josh. He's in the Navy and he lives in Montana. This is a picture of him when he was in highschool playing basketball...he loves that game :)

Here's Whitni and Ashli, two of my favorite sisters...aren't they so cute? :)


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Email: skh1212@aol.comm