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Hmmm... I just noticed that this page is badly in need
of some updating! In fact, the situation is so severe
that the only solution is to create a link to a new page.
So, here you go...  

I must warn you, this site is currently under construction, and therefore may not make much sense.
I am going to try to get it into working order ASAP.

     Hi there! This is my little corner of the web. The other day, someone 
asked me why exactly I want a web page, and, to tell you the truth, I really 
couldn't come up with a reason. I think that I just want to make my mark on 
the vast expanse that is the internet. Given my varied interests, I think my 
page will be naturally eclectic, so, hopefully, there is something for 
everyone. So, welcome to my world... Enjoy! :)

My Interests:

Duke University-- I am a History major (and I think will soon declare a Medieval and Renaissance Studies major, as well) here at Duke, in the Class of 2001. I absolutely LOVE Duke!

Brownstone-- No, not the R&B group, and no, not the style of houses in Brooklyn... Brownstone is the name of the selective living group that I am a member of here at Duke. It's a great group of some of the most fun and unique people that you could ever hope to meet. (Brownstone is part of the reason I love Duke so much.) To see some pictures of some of my fellow Brownies and myself, click here.

Astrology-- I don't know how much 
stock I really place in it, but it 
has seemed eerily accurate in 
situations in the past... I, myself, 
am a Scorpio. To find out more about 
Scorpios, click on the image to the l
eft. To see Scorpio's weekly horoscope, 
click here.

Being Irish, one of my major fascinations is anything Celtic. (That's why the background of my page is vaguely reminiscent of a Celtic knot.) For Celtic Odds and Ends, click on the lion to the left.

Oh, and then there are my friends from highschool. I can't very well neglect them when putting my world online, now can I? Hmmm... to meet the people who kept me sane til college (or made me insane, I can't decide which) click here .

Abbeville, SC-- Ahhh... Home Sweet Home. This is the sleepy little Southern town that I call home. I've lived here since I was six. (Until then, I lived in Silvermine, CT-- near Norwalk.) There's not much to do in Abbeville, but it IS awfully cute!

Speaking of cute... my pets! I absolutely LOVE animals, and consequently have quite a few pets at home. You know you want to meet the gang-- Macavity, Fauntleroy, Merlin, Fluffy, Cookie, Cake, and Gris make up the feline contingent. And we have Patch, our fearless sheepdog to keep them in line... Click here to meet the crew.

To be continued...

Comments? E-mail me.