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This guide is for people playing Schiender Reinhart on Normal

Mini Bosses:

You will face vampires through out the whole game. You must be able to quickly dodge their attacks. Their is one type that can even do magic. Try to keep a distance between yourself and the vampire because he will bite you. This will cause major damage and may infect you with the curse of the vampire.

Weretigers, Werewolfs, Werejaguars, and Werebulls:
They are super fast but the wolf and the jaguar don't hurt you that much but are really fast. The bull has a nasty charge attack that hurts. The weretiger is slow but will not stop following you and his attacks hurt real bad.

Big Bosses

King Skeleton: (first and second battle)
This boss is the first time you face the King Skeleton out of two fights. He will summon three skeletons all through out the battle. You can tell he is summoning them when he hits the ground with his club. He will try to trample you. Sometimes he will swing his club at you. This will hurt you and also jurt the skeletons running around. You shoud kill the regular skeletons because they will give you power ups. The best way to kill him is when he is busy summoning more skeletons. You should hit him with your whip a couple of times and then back off. When he runs from you throw daggers, crosses, or axes if you have them. Eventually you will knock his life bar to zero and he will jump into the misty canyon below.
The second fight is just like the first execept there are skeletons on motorcycles. Kill them quickly. Eventually you will hit the King Skeleton enough and he will loss his legs. Be careful from here and do hit and runs because he can still hurt you even without legs. But after a couple of hits he will die for good.

White Dragons:
You will face two skeleton dragons. They are wrapped around the gears at the top of the castle. You must fight two at the same time, run back and forth in front of the first one dodging his fire attacks and sneaking in attacks until it is defeated. The second one will now be easier since the first one is now defeated. Run circles around it so it will get wrapped around the gears. Then while it is trying to unwrap itself attack it. Use your whip or any projectile attacks. Repeat this unitl the dragon is dead.

Frankstein and the two Stone dogs:
First the bad news, you can't kill Frankstein or the dogs. But you sure can run from them and that is all you have to do. You sword is good for stopping the dogs. Holy water is good against Frankenstein and will slow him down a bunch. Also when he trys to hit you with his chainsaw try to slide under it. Eventually you will get away. Remember just try to follow Malus he will lead you to safety.

Mammock Bull Demon:
When the Bull awakens he is quite mad. He will charge you, breath fire at you , and will shot a nuke like blast at you. The only way to hit him and live to tell the tale is to let him do a attack and dodge it. The go attack him while he is busy and try to hit him in his legs. You should attack the legs because he will be easier to kill. Cause you will knock off his legs eventually. When he lost his legs he is a sitting target. Then attack the creature but watch out for his poison blood. It will hurt you if it touches you. Soon he will be dead and you will have killed one of the hardest bosses.

She is undead and is being controlled by Death. She moves really quick. Her main weapon is a long sword in which she trys to kill you with. Watch out for her magic ability. It is fire like projectiles. There are no real tatic for this battle. Just kill her before she kills you.

Death hovers around the top of a tower. He throws scythes from a distance at you. These are pretty easy to dodge at first but later they become more plentiful and move at greater speeds. He will try to hit you with his reaper up close. Later in the match he summons a Fish Demon like thing. Try to dodge it. The main attacks you should use is a jump and whip attack. Also throwing weapons are not too good against him because he is hard to lock onto. Just keep your jump/whip attack up and he will die.


Final Bosses:

Vampire Gildre:
This vampire teleports around by using his mist transformation. He shoots three flaming homing bats at you . You can kill these for power ups. He has two shockwave attacks. One goes threw the ground and the other the air. He will also try to pull you close to him by using the wind. Then he will bite you. When this happens run in the opposite direction and jump forward this will help you get away from him. The best tatic is to jump and hit him in his head with the whip. He takes a ton of hits but keep it up and you will defeat him.

He teleports around the top of the tower. His main attack is throwing three homing blue flames at you. Run from this and dive to get away. He also have the same two shockwave attack that Vampire Gildre had. Dracula will make a wall of flame surround him. This will cause major damage if you are hit by it and it makes Dracula harder to hit. To hurt him go up to him and whip him in the head. He is pretty easy to beat but it get confusing because he teleport around the ring. Also his attacks will put a hurting especially since you have another fight left.

Demon Dracula:
This boss is cool, awesome, tough, amazing, huge, scary, nightmarish, evil, and just plain sinister. He sends huge shock waves of dirt that ripple through the ground. They will knock you far away from the battlefied. He have several flame attacks. Just wait until you see his small nuke attack. Later in the battle he will summon two fire dragons. They are quick and hard to dodge. You can kill them by hitting them in the head. But I would just dodge them. Keep your distance from him. Only attack when he is busy or just launched a attack. If you have any range attacks now is the time to use them. Also I pray that you have plenty of healing items (which you must likely will not after two previous bosses). You basically got to defeat the Demon before he kills you. Trust me on this you will never forgot this battle it is epic.

WEBMASTER: Fireglass53