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The Canberra Youth Singers would love to sing for you!

The Canberra Youth Singers are a talented group of young people who would like the opportunity to prove their skills to a wider audience. They are seeking engagements with an aim to:
-provide broader performing opportunities
-publicise the choir
-raise funds to help maintain their high musical standards

For over 30 years the choir has committed itself to promoting the musical and performing skills of it's members. The choir has travelled interstate and overseas. It has performed at many venues in Canberra including parliament House, the High Court, David Jones, Duntroon and the National Gallery. The choir also performs at many weddings throughout the canberra region.
The Canberra Youth Singers have taken part in many events around Canberra including Neil Cameron's productions "Songs of Fire", "Dante's inferno" and "the Dreamkeeper", as well as events like the 1999 Young Australian of the Year Awards and Croatian Carols by candlelight.

The choir is a non-profit organisation and any money raised by its performances is used to benefit its young members.

The choir enjoys performing for individuals, organisations and as supporting choristers in various musical productions.

The fee is $300 for a 40 minute performance. This fee is negotiable and donations are tax deductible.
Phone: 6258 5446 for more information.