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In this page you'll see a little of historic and general information about OCAÑA land noble!...

Santa Ana Cathedral

Historic review:

Ocaña was erect the December 14 of 1570, but, at the year 1573, perhaps, for the continuos indian's attacks , now for the desire to approximate (4 Kms) the city a little more to the port (Gamarra), or possibly for the inundations, in the rainy season times that those regions suffer, Ocaña was tranfer to the place that occupied today, so ever since those vales poetics and meadows fertils, bathed by the Catatumbo river or Algodonal. Were baptizmed "El llano de los Alcaldes". Besides to flaunt since 1575 year the city's title, conferied by the real order of the España's King; also to figure as Cantón primero capital's and after the province with your same name. Ocaña was a of the first cities that was lucky and to receive to Simón Bolivar (1813), when was satarting in the Nueva Granada y Venezuela the freedom campaings. Ocaña is occupant of a preferential site to have been considered the Capital of the Republic (April 15 of 1824) and to be elected for the meeting of the Gran Convención at 1828.

Culture House


Ocaña is placed in the occidental region of the Norte de Santander Dpto. (Colombia), being her geographics co-ordinates the following:

Longitude west of Greenwich 	73° 21'
Latitude North			8° 14'


The municipality's area is 460 Km2, representing the 2.2% of the Departament.


The Ocaña's temperature averaje is 22°C.

Elevation :

The municipal head is 1.202 mts over the sea level.


The greatest municipality's wather runnig is constituted for the Algodonal river, wich born to 4 Kms of the city and when go out her limits it's called Catatumbo. The following in importance is the Tejo river.

Interest places:

Sn. Francisco's Chapel

The Sn. Francisco's chapel, which was realized the Ocaña's convention at 1828, it's a jewel colonial and historic. The Sn. Agustín's convent, La Torcoroma's chapel, which is in the city, and the Santuary of Nuestra Señora de las Gracias de Torcoroma, it's placed to 5 kms of distance, a place of inevitable asistance, here on august 16 of 1711 made her apparition the virgin, in the heart of the a demolished tree.

Always, the culture and the hospitable spirit of Ocaña's habitants, has been a virtue of all "Ocañer".

Heey!!!...What are you waiting for come here?...