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Table of Contents
     Area Name                             Level              Author
    (*)Midgaard                            *ALL*              DikuMUD
    (*)Ofcol                               *ALL*              Alfa
    Trade Road                             *ALL*              Unknown
    Ultima                                 *ALL*              Casret
    Haon-Dor                               *ALL*              DikuMUD
    Dwarven Daycare                        1- 5               Sandman
    Orchard                                1- 5               Mort
   *Pixie Forest                           1- 7               Trandilar
   *Dharynn's Huge Forest                  1- 8               Dharynn
    Gypsy Village                          1-10               Unknown
   *Starlet's Newbie Area                  1-10               Starlet
   *Rabbit Warren                          1-10               Unknown
    Rats' Lair                             1-10               Unknown
    Circus                                 1-10               Binky
   *Humblin, the Hobbit Hamlet             1-10               Rengrave
    Enclave                                1-15               CAW
    Main matrix                            1-20               DikuMUD
   *Druid Forest                           1-20               Torain
    Northern Plains                        1-25               Copper
    Sewer                                  1-30               DikuMUD
    Holy Grove                             1-30               Alfa
    (*)Sundhaven                           1-30               Mercy
    (*)Kerofk                              1-30               CAW
   *Haunted keep                           5-15               Crom
    Gnome Village                          5-15               Unknown
    Moria                                  5-20               DikuMUD
    Dragon Cult                            5-20               Unknown
    Wyvern Tower                           5-20               Tyrst
    Elven Valley                           5-25               Gbetz
    Werith's Wayhouse                      5-25               CAW
    Miden'Nir                              5-30               DikuMUD
    Three of Swords                        5-30               CAW
    (*)New Thalos                          5-35               Unknown
    Mob Factory                            5-40               PinkF
    Crystalmir Lake                        5-45               Strahd
    Arachnos                               5-50               DikuMUD
    The Dwarven Kingdom                    5-50               Anon
   *Atlantis                               5-50               Torain
    (*)Solace                              5-50               Strahd
   *Elven Village                          5-50+              Andraax
    In the Air...                          10-20              Copper
    Troll Den                              10-20              Merc
    The City of Thalos                     10-20              Anon
    Rand's Tower                           10-20              CAW
    Ancalador                              10-25              CAW
    S. S. Scurvy                           10-25              Mega
    Goblin Caves                           10-25              Unknown
    Ice Caves                              10-25              Unknown
    Dwarven Catacombs                      10-25              Raff
    Abandoned Cathedral                    10-30              CAW
   *Einstein's Grasslands area             10-30              Einstein
   *Amazonia                               10-30              Leaf
    Shaolin Temple                         10-30              Envy
    Galaxy                                 10-30              Doctor
    Kingdom of Juargan                     10-30              Anon
    Astral Plane                           10-35              Andi
    Pyramid                                10-40              Unknown
   *Lithos' Colosseum                      10-50              Lithos
    The Great Eastern Desert               10-50              Anon
   *Lagamore                               10-50              Unknown
    (*)Olympus                             10-50+             Unknown
   *Dharynn's Enchanted Forest             10-50+++           Dharynn
    Lizard Lair Safari                     15-20              CAW
    HighLands                              15-35              Unknown
   *Feverish Swamps                        15-50              Wotan
    Elemental Canyon                       15-50+             Raff
    Mahn-Tor                               15-50+             Chris
    Scubdu's Harpy area                    20-40              Dylan
    Oceania                                20-45              Questor
    Drow city                              20-50              Unknown
    Chessboard                             20-50              CircleMUD
    King's Castle                          20-50              CircleMUD
    Little Haven                           20-50              Mahatma
    Mirror Realm                           20-50              Merri
   *Garden of Angels                       20-50              Stryder
    Yggdrasil                              20-50+             Unknown
   *Zorn Uzkul                             20-50+             Unknown
   *Demoncity                              20-50+++           Unknown
    Nirvana                                25-50+             Unknown
   *Krashkarand                            25-50++            Akira
   *Kender Village                         25-50++            Rafo/Bolt
   *Unholy Darkness                        25-50+++           Stile/Acheron
   *Turvagar, the Dark Taiga               30-50              Rengrave    
    City of Orshingal                      30-50              Unknown
    Graveyard plus                         30-50              DikuMUD
   *Plains of Dust                         30-50              Porlan
   *Porlan's Fire Elemental Plain          30-50              Porlan
    High Tower of Sorcery                  30-50              Unknown
   *The Temple of Tomaaukkhen              30-50              Porlan
   *Starlet's Ice Area                     30-50              Starlet
   *Joker's Storm Giant Castle             30-50              Joker
   *The Old Kingdom                        30-50              Unknown
   *The Court                              35-50+             Solo/Static
    Upper Argo                             30-50+             Unknown
    Ghenna                                 30-50++            Unknown
   *Darkwater Dungeon                      30-50+++           Stryder
   *Museum of Legends                      30-50+++           Beerwulf
   *Dwarven Kingdom of Inglestone          30-50+++           Smack
    Guild of DarkFriends                   30-50+++           Unknown
    Ciquala's Lair                         35-50              Unknown
    The Marsh                              40-50              Unknown
    The Underdark                          40-50+++           Silence
   *The Fortress of Mustaine               40-50+++           Vortex
   *The Ruined City of Alchor              40-50+             Arcane/Fanth&n
   *Starlet's Lost City of Solom           40-50++            Starlet
   *Caverns of Varak-ki and Rock Gnomes    40-50++            Arcane/Fanth&n
   *The Shipwreck                          45-50              Vortex
    Lost Temple                            45-50+             Unknown
    DragonSpyre                            45-50++            Unknown
   *The Citadel of the Order               45-50+++           Arcane/Fanth&n
   *The Forgotten Citadel of Taon          45-50+++           Stryder
   *The Ancient lands                      45-50+++           Arcane/Fanth&n
   *The Ice Castle                         45-50+++           Solo/Static
    Random's Amber Keep                    50-50+++           Random
   *The Land of Lorca                      50-50+             Rafo
    Antiriad                               50+                Unknown
    The Citadel                            50+-50++           Unknown
   *The Dungeons of Lord Caenyth           50++               Tjaden/Amaranth 
   *The Valley of the Kings                50+-50+++          Stryder
   *Fang's Black Castle                    50+-50+++          Fang
   *The Ruins of Kaltor                    50+-50+++          Vortex
    EarthSea                               50++               Wench
   *Infernal Pit of Kerjim                 50++               Rafo/Bolt
   *Ice Wall                               50++               Cobalt
   *The Desolate Plains                    50++               War
   *Soulstealer's Laboratory               50++               Amaranth
    Drakyri Isle                           50++-50+++         Unknown
   *Castle Toormail                        50+++              Arcane
   *The Abandoned Caves                    50+++              Solo/Static
   *The Mirror Beyond                      50+++              Stile/Stryder

Continent Ashinara
   *Wyvern Waterfalls                      10-35              Stryder
   *The Tournament                         40-50+++           Barre
   *High Clerists Tower                    50+++              Barre
   *Lorchid City                           50+-50+++          Gobzilla
   *The Castle Dunheim                     40-50+++           Pakaka
   *The Apocalypse                         50+++              Sin 
   *The City of Palanthas                  50+-50+++          Rafo/Vortex 
   *3 Mages                                40-50++            Barre 
   *The City Of Myrridon                   40-50+++           Roland/Vortex 
   *The Underground                        50+-50+++          Barre 
   *Myrridon Mines                         50+-50+++          Barre 
   *Stronghold of Alterac                  50++-50+++         Stryder


  (*)   = a temple city
   *    = an original area written for Burning MUD
  50+   = a group of level 50's
  50++  = a group of dual-classed level 50/50's
  50+++ = a large group of dual-classed level 50/50's

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