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Aiight, here's tha story.. See, I went to that shitty school for seven years.. It's called Landmark Christian Academy.. It's REALLY conservative and relegious... I swear, it's like a damn cult.. There's this college, Bob Jones University that they practically worship... (If you're from the South, you've probably heard of it.. buncha fuck-ups) Anywayz, my parents sent me there when I was in the sixth grade.. NOT because of the relegion shit, but because of the good education.. Which I hafta admit, I did get.. They have some good education and teachers, but it's still all messed up.. SO, I've gotten in tons of trouble there over the past years.. See, I'm a mega-liberal, very open-minded person.. Which did not mesh nicely with Landmark's way of thinking.. SO I was constantly being harrased about it.. *L* If I only had a dollar for every time I was told I was on my way to hell.. Anyway, getting to the point.. Last week (9/23/98) I was called into the office, and asked by the principal if I had attended the Pearl Jam concert. *L* I was like, Oh shit.. Yeah, i did... It was an AWESOME concert by the way!!! :) See, LCA thinks they have the right to control what every student does.. On and OFF campus.. SO, anywayz, the next morning I was sitting in 2nd hour, and I saw my mom walking down the hall!! I was like, damn.. So a few minutes later they called me to the office.. I went there, and my mom was standing outside the office.. She said "Get your stuff, you just got expelled." I was like "WHAT???!??!?!" But I got all my shit n left.. See, it's SOOOOOO not fair, 'cause if the school went by its damn handbook, then they would hafta expel about 30 more students!! I can give them the names of some of the little bitches in their "Prayer Group" who have fucked more guys than they can count.. I can tell them 10 kids who went to the Creed concert, who go to the movies all tha time, smoke, drink, ALL That shit... Not saying I don't do that shit, 'Cause I DO! :) But that's not the point.. if they're gonna expel me, they should expel everyone who's liable.... Juss because my daddy's not a good ol' preacher, doesn't mean I shouldn't be exempted from following the guidelines either, should it?? *Laffz* it's ALL a crock.. SO I start PHS next week.. but it's all good.. PHS is a KICK ASS public school.. At least I get to go to the prom now! :) I already have a lotta friends there too.. OH, the coolest part.. *LMFAO* My parents are suing the school!!!! *L* it's great.. I'll come back n give details about that later...
