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Basket Tosses


A toss is formed by usually 2 bases, 1 flyer, and 1 spot, just like any other stunt. The bases form a "P" with their hands, keeping their right arm straight, bending their left arm and clasping their right arm at the wrist with their left hand. Then, their right hand will grab the other base's left arm at the elbow, and the other base will grab their left arm at the wrist, forming a kind of interwoven pattern. The flyer steps on the base's hands, and after the count the bases bend, and then toss her. A flyer can do many different moves in a toss. Anything from a toe-touch to, an around the world, to a back-tuck or a back layout, or even a front tuck. The base and spot must always remember to catch the flyer as high as possible, and the flyer must remember not to be scared.

animated toss

awesome toss!

Here is an AWESOME toss preformed by the panthers.


Here is a toss in which the flyer was doing a back-tuck.