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Together, We Shall Transcend All...


You know they say opposites attract. I guess you could call Jason and I opposites. When I first met him, I thought he was a very intelligent and shy person. I often joke with him that I thought he was a nerd (even though I was one too!). He and I had a few classes together and we began to chat and do homework together, him often being the one explaining the problems to me!! He and I continued to be friends and do homework together through the Spring and Fall of 1999. Although I had some romantic inklings about him in the Spring, I chose not to follow up on them due to circumstances beyond my control. I guess it was God's way of preparing me for a truly blessed relationship. In the Fall of 1999, things began to get more serious, and on November 28, 1999, we officially began our relationship. Almost three years later, I am still thankful for the Lord bringing Jason into my life. He is my soulmate, the complement of me. Though we are opposites in many ways, we have many things in common. The biggest of these is our continued faith in the Lord and each other and our desire to continue to build our lives and do great things.


A Few Things About Us



Fondest Memories

Plans for the Future