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This is just a little cyber shout-out for my friends across the US. Over the years, I made a lot of friends, and I lost a lot too. Sometimes it takes getting hurt or burned to see who your real friends are. It's just a part of growing up. When you think back on your life you realize that all of your friends came into your life for a reason, and you should cherish that. This page is dedicated to the people in my life I consider friends...First I'll start with the girls.

Izla: Girl you are my ace for life. Even in my darkest days, you always have been there to tell me the truth. You never turned your back on me, and that means so much to me. We have been there, done that, bought the T-shirt and the hat! Now that we have come to the end of our collegiate lives begins a new chapter, and I look forward to our friendship for years to come!

Tavie: Over the years, the three of us have become much closer. I feel that I can call you both my "best friends." I know that we will become even closer, like it or not :) Even though we have never been in school together, we always fall right into place when we are together. Thanks for always being there! And I expect that I will get free services Doc...

My LSs: You will always be a part of me (Dear DST.....). I love all of you guys with all my heart, as sisters and as friends. I know that you will always be there for me, through thick and thin, even if you're mad at me!
Special Shout out to my LSs Angie and Renee, TRINITY 4 LIFE!!!

Jubee: What can I say? We have definitely been cool since Buist. We are all right, just watch your step. Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Use your head not your heart!

Trina H.: Girl, what can I say? Even though we haven't been as close as we were in the beginning, we are still cool ghetto supastar!

Trina W.: Even though I only got to know you over the past two years, I'm glad I took the time to become your friend. Don't worry about what others say, you just keep striving and believing in Him.

Candace,MaRISHa,Keiya,Denise: Even though we aren't the 3rd floor posse anymore, those were some of my best years. I hope that as we move on in our lives we won't let go of our friendship. Mad shout-out to Toot!

And now for the guys...

Jason: You and I have built a special friendship over the past couple of years. Now it seems we are on the verge of a solid and happy future together. You hold the key to my heart, use it wisely. Just know that I will be there for you no matter what, and together, we shall transcend all. I love you sweetheart.

Alphonzo (AJ): First my big brother, now my Coleman brother! Be that Omega Man that I know you can be, and take care of that little girl of yours! When you make it big Doc, don't forget about the little people!

Bernie: Well, since sixth grade you've always been there, whether to encourage me or tease me. Remember music class in sixth grade? We had some good times. Now you're all grown up, my brother in crimson and cream land. I'm very proud of you!

Mikey: I have always had much love for you, and I have always been grateful for your advice. Even though there was a misunderstanding between us a few years ago, you are still my boy. Good luck with your music career!

Da QUES: Had to give the bruhs a shout out! Special shouts to Chi Zeta and Xi Psi!!

Jermaine and AJ : We had some good times in Byrnes, McCabe and the courts. Y'all are cool with me, keep on striving!

Tim: We learned a lot from each other and about each other, and grew into our grown-up selves. I wish you the best in all that you do, and I hope that we can remain good friends.

The ICE COLD brothers of Pi Alpha: RED HOT BABY!!

EVERYONE ELSE: I have nothing but love for you. God loves us all, so why shouldn't I? I have to give a special shoutout to the Burke/Burke Magnet alumnus, the last of the old school. Who let them dogs out??? 96 where you at? If I didn't mention your name, take no offense.....charge it to the head, not the heart, I love you all!

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