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Baalzomonīs Angelfish Homepage

This page will be gone within 1 month 13/3-2001
Last update 29/03/00

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Hello! Im real sorry that I havent updated this site for a long while.
But I thought that I should be gettin started now!! So there will be some changes in the future!

My real name is Ricky, Baalzomon is only a nickname. Iīm from Sweden.

I live in a small town called Kristianstad in the south of Sweden.

I thought mayby some info about how we breed Angelfish in Sweden could be interesting.

I donīt know if its that much diffrent from other countries but here might be something of value for you.

Hereīs some links and nice picīs.

And please sign my guestbook and vote for this site!

My pageīs

More about angelfish

Breeding Pterophyllum scalare

My aquarium

Some funny pictures (not with angels)


My favorit Links
Fishlink central Swedish aquarium news
Karenīs Angelfish page Get some free stuff
Cichlids Earth 2025

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