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Welcome to Boine's Hausman. Basically this page will be an informative aspect of the Eastern Highlands Province culture and lifestyle.

Who Am I?...Mi Husat?

My photo
Name: Joseph Boine Jacob.
Knickname: Snake (Sinek/C'neck).
Country: Papua New the Pacific Ocean
Province: Eastern the Highlands of PNG
District: Lufa
Main Village: Oliguti...people call it Olix City
Small Village: Forgo...Namo Street


Favourite Garden Food: Taro, banana, sugarcane, kaukau(sweet potato) and kumu (greens)
Favourite Junck Food: Potato Chips and Coke drink.
Favourite Movies: Thrillers, Detectives and Horror Movies.
Favourite Actors: Van Damme, Bruce Willis and Jackie Chan.
Favourite Novels: Thrillers, Detectives and Horror Novels.
Favourite Bands: Deff Leppard, John Bon Jovi, Lucky Dube, Air Supply.


Camping in the bush, mountain climbing, looking after pets, playing rugby and watching, listening to music, reading comics, internet surfing, having email penpals, learning about other peoples cultures and travelling.

I dislike...yu yet save...

  • People who frequently complain for no good reasons...ol so-op man nambaut.
  • Mr/Miss Know-It-All...ol fada type nambaut.

Boine's Links

Location of EHP How to get there.
EHP Lifestyle In the dawn of the millenium.
EHP Singsing Famous bird of paradise plumes.
EHP commodities Coffee, fresh garden fruites and vegetables.
External Links Major Servers
Meizzy's Forum BoardYumi yet stori na amamas ah?.

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My Contact


P.O.Box 414, Uni Post Office,N.C.D
Papua New Guinea