A poetic thought

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Atheist,We the forced… falsely…
As if by some force*, we all flow. We all flow through the mysterious ways of our own god**.

Freed from the unholy abominations of our own minds… Are they so bad that we must be without.

For they are what we the Atheist are warped within.

We are not clinging to life from the very threads that you and the “righteousness” of your god(s) have created in your mind.

And as if some unholy force is as well forcing us… falsely… we shall remain free from that force which is the opposite of your force… falsely.

For without that force we flow free. Not inter-twined in the forces of the false thoughts and images created within the depths of your mind(s).

For without these forces we are forced… falsely… by our own free will, not to be part of your false thought but to be part of our own… falsely… in a way in which we are freed from your force, which is god… falsely… and placed into the natural force which is the way of our own warped thoughts… falsely.

Composed in thought by… Jason Spohn, On… 7/8/99

* the natural act of believing in a certain way and because of the that belief changing your actions accordingly.

** the false and imaginary thoughts of a non-atheist mindset, which are created to sooth the most natural desires of ones true purpose and to justify why things happen in a non-scientific and more spiritually related way.

Post Nuclear Atomic Moog

When the war machine was created it was created out of sure and total destruction. It had its purpose of its existence in front… Leading the way.

When Germany was strong… As it was once… It was that war machine.

America’s government was strong… As it is… It is that war machine.

The creation of the Bomb was nothing but the United States flexing it’s strong right arm in the face of those who vowed to fight against it’s horrid ways.

Vietnam, Korea, Germany, Japan, Russia… All communist, where there to attempt to destroy the United States and there Democratic ways of evil.

For Communism is divine when it is not abused…

For Democracy is divine when it is abused…

For then Democracy, for it to be divine, must be abused and therefor democracy itself must never be divine.

For the creation of the Atom Bomb was a symbol of abused power of the democratic government in the United States.

“We can destroy them with the Atomic Bomb, we can destroy them and contaminate them.”

Evil and war the governments of the world strive to bring.

The United States can be stopped. Reject the system they shove at you…

The *Babylon system… The human race will fall into the chaotic trance of war if the system is not rejected by today’s youth.

Together we… Can reboot the system and save the world and ourselves from the **Post Nuclear Atomic Moog.

Composed in thought by… Jason Spohn On… 7/9/99
*the sure destruction of the United States government because of it’s adopted attitude against the ways of other forms of government and thought in society that are not in a way similar to their own.
**because of the Babylonian system being forced on the youth of today… If this system is not rejected… the result of this view, which is total and non-forgiving destruction… The apocalypse.

Crippled Mind

I don’t understand why we are all here. What our purpose is and why we live is all a mystery to me…

I must stay neutral to all opinions to find and feel the answer. So that my mind is not crippled I must me open.

Within the confinements of my own mind I wonder in darkness, without a care.

To me… my life is what I feel. What you feel is what you are living for.

To cripple my mind: would to be hostile to the world, closed to all thoughts.

Right or wrong. I must except it all…

And even though I have a belief I am constantly changing that belief. Not to the liking of others but to the liking of myself, my mind. I will push my present view of the world on you, as to push yours on me. But I will be open to you.

Adapting your views to my own is what I do best.

I will not allow my mind be crippled as you do yours.

The beliefs of… Jason Spohn On… 7/12/99

The Dumb Soldier By Robert Louis Stevenson
When the grass was closely mown, Walking on the lawn alone, In the turf a hole I found, And hid a soldier underground.

Spring and daisies came apace; Grasses hid my hiding place; Grasses run like a green sea O'er the lawn up to my knee.

Under grass alone he lies, Looking up with leaden eyes, Scarlet coat and pointed gun, To the stars and to the sun.

When the grass is ripe like grain, When the scythe is stoned again, When the lawn is shaven clear, The my hole shall reappear.

I shall find him, never fear, I shall find my grenadier; But for all that's gone and come, I shall find my soldier dumb.

He has lived, a little thing, In the grassy woods of spring; Done, if he could tell me true, Just as I should like to do.

He has seen the starry hours And the springing of the flowers; And the fairy things that pass In the forests of the grass.

In the silence he has heard Talking bee and ladybird, And the butterfly has flown O'er him as he lay alone.

Not a word will he disclose, Not a word of all he knows. I must lay him on the shelf, And make up the tale myself.

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