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South Carolina Playwrights Center

Staged Readings

Local actors read read the plays, further adjustments are made, and finally, the public is invited to attend a staged reading.

Gabriel Lanci, Playwright

Annual Conference

Early each year, a committee selects several playwrights, from a large pool of applicants, to partarticpate in the annual conference.

The Play's the Thing!

he SC Playwrights Center is gearing up for its sixth annual conference, starting Tuesday, June 8 and running until Saturday, June 12. Co-sponsored by Artistic Pursuits/The Shed, USC Beaufort, and the Arts Council of Beaufort County, the SC Playwrights Conference is the only event of its kind in South Carolina.

riginally conceived as a venue for fledgling playwrights in the southeast developing works in progress, the SC Playwrights Conference has expanded its scope over its six year history. The five-day event is now attracting some of the brightest new voices in theatre, along with some of the country's most accomplished playwrights. Many past conference attendees have gone on to see their plays produced in cities across the US.

he Playwrights Conference follows a fairly traditional, 3-part format. Early in the conference, the participating playwrights read one another's works aloud, offering criticism in a private workshop setting. During the middle phase, local actors read the parts and the playwrights attend one another's staged readings, again, offering feedback in an unstructured, informal environment. The playwrights are given computer time during the week to revise their plays. In the final phase, the public is invited to attend a staged reading of each piece; the playwrights then have an opportunity to see and hear how their works are received by a general audience. The experience is enlightening and entertaining, not only for the playwrights, but for the actors and audience members as well.

1999 Calendar
from Tues June 8 to
Sat June 12


The Playwrights
& their Plays

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to Participate in
Artistic Pursuits

Janice Fouks Blum, Playwright

South Carolina Playwrights Center
1001 Bay Street
Beaufort, SC 29902

Phone: 843-986-9420
e-mail, (c/o The Shed):

Information & most text for this site written by Margaret Holly
This site is funded, designed and maintained by ArtisticPursuits/The Shed