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"Built to attract the gods"

Blue Oyster Cult comes to the House of Blues

Alpha/Omega spotlights Blue Oyster Cult.

The oyster boys came to South Carolina last month, one of their only stops in the state during the last few years. Wallace McBride went backstage to meet the band and discover, after many years of heady pondering, exactly which kind of beer Allen Lanier prefers.
Click here to get the whole story and see the pictures.

"America's new swing set"

Cherry Poppin' Daddies hit the mainstream

There are more swing bands to choose from today than in the last few decades combined, and leading the pack is Cherry Poppin' Daddies. The Daddies are one of the oldest "new" bands on the market, whose single Zoot Suit Riot is getting airplay even in the country-dominated airwaves down south. Their "new" album of the same name is hardly new, though, and is a compilation of material that's been previously released over the course of the last 10 years.
Click here to read the rest of the article.

Worth getting excited about

Marv Wolfman and Gene Colan return to Dracula. This times it's a new company, there are new vampire hunters, and a new, more sexually aggressive Dracula.
Click here for a review and art samples

Flip through our fledgling index. Inside you'll find articles about music, movies, and comic books. Check out a photo from a shelved Justice League TV movie, or read about releases from Danzig, White Zombie, and David Bowie.

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Email: Fletch