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Phantom Knights

Shadow Hunters



Member Pages
Sonlee's B.Net Site
NoLimit's Site
Hi$tandard's Site

Wednsday December 6, 2000 -- {Aoi}Sonlee
Well, so far democracy isn't working to it's full potential, but Im certain it's jus tbecause people arent aware of the necessity for voting. We voted to have t4r removed from the enemies list and it was passed, but only 3 people voted. In addition, limit and I have reached somewhat of an understanding. Things shouldn't be about listing arguements, they should be about listing what we wish to accomplish. One of the things that has been decided is that instead of rules, the guild needs a code of conduct. m going to see if a few people want to try and wrtite 1 and put them on the voting site for you or maybe limit will make a recommendation for you all to vote on. I can only hope that if we stumble, we will stumble forward.

Saturday November 18, 2000 -- {Aoi}Sonlee
Allo allo, Im sorry to say my computer was down quite unexpectedly for the past 4 days so this has been my first oportunity to get online. Fortunately I notice there are a hea;thy number of join requests and members section pass request to let me know that aoi is still active. The vote held currently being held on tournements will be closed on 11-20-00.

Sunday, November 5, 2000 -- {Aoi}Allusion
Hello everyone, Ca Speaking. We need to give a big appluase to people for there help in keeping aoi alive, -No_limit-, twiztid, Sonlee esspecially. As the webpage and the sub issues get fixed we will soon start the rebuilding of members half of the runification of aoi phase ( sounds complicated doesnt it :).that may be a nother week but that doesnt mean you dont have to recruit, go recruit pplz help keep aoi as stron as it was long ago... in a galaxy far away....

Friday, November 3, 2000 -- {Aoi}Twiztid
Yo long time no see people I know, but all I gota say is that I get on to see how my old buds are doing and all I see is things going to hell. So I decided to come back to Aoi and help out. I will make a new layout one of these days.. Don't think that the junky one now is my work, thats all Sonlee's *snickers* but hey atleast he tries to change the look of the site at times.

Oh and also I will be creating us a Shockwave because someone asked me to do one so be on the look out for one day to see a new and improved site. Oh those doing Webing for AOI don't worry bout my weird HTML skillz.

Wednesday, November 2, 2000 -- -No_Limit-
I am now able to edit the website!  Right now I'm working with CA and Sonlee to revise AOI, set it back onto it's feet, and get it going again.  I hope to make my views known to them.  Has anybody noticed?   CA and Sonlee are ALIVE!!  MUHAHAHH!! ALIVE!!!   *ahem*  *ahem*  Well,  I'll be editing the members only section..  I will be adding TONS of files, you may email me and request/suggest certain things..  I will be adding everything from midi files to nukers..   I'll add maps..  Movie creators (such as Bink and Smacker).  I got CA to change the intro midi..  Then I changed it to something else "Nothing Else Matters" (by Metalica).  Hope to see AOI turn around and start heading in the right direction.  We need your help though!!  Please don't just sit there and hope things get better..  Do something!! Recruit, suggest things to CA, Sonlee, and me!

Yesterday t4r made another very poor attempt at taking over our channel..  They took it over, then gave one of our undercover people ops, and they banned them..  THANKS (you know who you are.. lol).  Then one of the ones who helped take it over came in, said that they hadn't been around for a while, and that he was trying to get peace..  Yea.. Right..   {t4r}ManOMagic is to be banned on site..  He is an idiot..   I have him on my buddy monitor..  He is active, and every single time t4r tries something, he is there to help them..  Don't believe what anybody in t4r says..  They are all stupid faggits who want to do nothing but take a channel then sit there like "duuhh, *huk* *huk*, we are bad!"..  lol  What a bunch of losers..