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Character Example

Below are two sample characters, "Blaine" a NPC from a previous game with allot of history and "Jason" a typical Amberite. An explanations about customizing the Powers and Stats to fit these concepts will all so be provided.

Blain Argent (250pts)

Duke of Chrysallin, Knight Adept of the Pattern


Lineage: Son of Merlin (Son of Corwin/Dara) and Rhanda (Shroudling/Vampire)

Avatar: Wyvern  

Attributes (155pts)
Combat (35)
Psyche (40)
Warfare (40)
Endurance (40)
Strength (25)
Power (30)
Presence (Default)
Energy (45)
Dexterity (45)
Focus (50)
Preception (Default)
Constitution (35)

Powers (95pts)

Bad Stuff (-5pts)

Blaine has many potent and useful combinations of powers. On attempting to walk the Pattern to help him control his powerful shapeshifting abilities Blaine failed. The only reason he's still alive is that the Unicorn saved him as a piece for the game. No one has questioned his abilities so far. Those that have the abilities to see the pattern see the Power/Dominion of the Unicorn so they assume he's telling the truth. Now that he belongs in a sense to the Unicorn she used that control to reign in his shapeshifting abilities so he would not kill himself. Many of his friends don't entirely trust him since he often seems to know too much and disappears often to take care of "business". Additional Bad Stuff is related to having an uncle for an enemy.

Blaine's stats show his quick flair for fencing in Combat. When engaged in contests in Psyche he typically tries to maneuver around his opponent and set up precise and subtle traps (often utilizing shapeshifting to control the situation internally). Blaine's Warfare is well rounded in balance between leadership/charisma (Presence) and observation/understanding (Perception). Blaine typically will utilize commando raids, demoralizing maneuvers, and spying over direct attacks. Endurance shows Blaine to have plenty of Energy for magical endeavors but not as much Constitution for healing and longer duration activities.

With his powers Blaine has an enormous amount of potential in Shapeshifting. The Primal Sorcery allows Blaine to custom design spells for any of the "advanced" shapeshifting abilities. Primal Conjuration allow the design of creatures of the blood and manipulation of others. The Cauldron works as a focus for long term and energy intensive projects. Blaine often combines his Trump and Shapeshifting together to make trump packaged spells for use at a later time. Blaine can pull a trump sketch out of some one using Trump, Shapeshifting and Conjuration. At the cauldron these may be made into full permanent trumps.

As the Wyvern, Blaine is a terrible foe. This form has impressive combat abilities and can move through Shadow. In this form he often "sees" a truer veil of reality and is correspondingly pitiless to those who would hurt him or those he loves.

Jason (200pts)

New to Amber


Lineage: Son of Flora (Daughter of Oberon) and a nameless Shadow

Avatar: Unknown  

Attributes (145pts)
Combat (50)
Psyche (25)
Warfare (40)
Endurance (30)
Strength (Default)
Power (Default)
Presence (Default)
Energy (Default)
Dexterity (Default)
Focus (Default)
Preception (Default)
Constitution (Default)

Powers (50pts)

Good Stuff (5pts)

Jason is provided as a typical Amberite. Also note that if your not into customizing your stats you may leave all the secondary stats as their defaults. He has Pattern with all the standard abilities and is Primal Born giving him protection against Bonding so he can play without getting controled. Any Amber character could be "translated" in this manner relatively quickly.

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 © 2005 Scott M. Acker