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25000 Pre-NR

Galactic Republic is thought to have been founded about this time/Jedi Knight believed to have appeared at this time as well

7504 Pre-NR

Fallanassi break away from the Jedi Order

7029 Pre-NR

Sith are born

7004 Pre-NR

Fallanassi and Sith homeworld attacked by Jedi/Thousand year war between Jedi and Sith begins/Fallanassi Flee

6004 Pre-NR

Sith Empire established

5004 Pre-NR

Sith Empire Discovered/Sith are defeated and thought to be destroyed/Nadow Sadow Flees to Yavin 4

4004 Pre-NR

Freedom Nadd Uprising on Onderon

4000 Pre-NR

Sith Wars

3990 Pre-NR

Ulic Qel-Droma's Redemption

3980 Pre-NR

Hapes Cluster closes its borders

900 Pre-NR

Yoda is Born

204 Pre-NR

Chewbacca is born

46 Pre-NR

Anakin Skywalker is born

40 Pre-NR ?

Callista is born

36 Pre-NR

Trade Federation blockades Naboo and begins invading/Senator Palpatine voted in as Chancellor of the Galactic Republic/Naboo freed by combined efforts of the Gungan and Nabooian forces


Clone Wars Start


Clone Wars End

33 Pre-NR

Han Solo born on Corellia

22 Pre-NR

Leia and Luke Skywalker are born and placed into hiding/Empire is born/Slaughter of Jedi Knights begins

19 Pre-NR

Callista Tevan is killed/Jedi Master Plett abandons Jedi safe haven on Belsavis and Jedi children a scattered through the galaxy

4 Pre-NR

Death Star Plans Stolen/Alderaan is destroyed/Obi-wan Kenobi is killed/Death Star is destroyed in Battle of Yavin

1 Pre-NR

Battle of Hoth takes place/Luke Skywalker trains to become Jedi Knight/Han Solo is captured and frozen in Carbonite/Black Sun organization is sent into disarray after Xizor's death


Han Solo is freed/Jabba the Hutt is killed/Yoda dies/Emperor Palpatine is killed/Anakin Skywalker dies/Second Death Star destroyed/Ssi-ruuk attack Bakura


Rogue Squadron reformed/Coruscant is Liberated by New Republic/Krytos Virus breaks out on Coruscant


Ysanne Isard killed/Thyferra joins New Republic/Wraith Squadron Formed/Admiral Trigit killed


Corellia Sector liberated by New Republic/Warlord Zsinj Killed/Quelii Sector Liberated/Princess Leia Organa marries Han Solo/Hapes Consortium joins New Republic


Grand Admiral Thrawn Starts his campaign/Jacen and Jaina Solo born/Thrawn and Joruus C'baoth are killed/Ysanne Isard killed? and Lusankya prisoners found and freed


Emperor Palpatine is reborn and starts his campaign against New Republic/Anakin Solo born/Emperor Palpatine killed/Imperial infighting starts/New Republic retakes Coruscant


Jedi Academy is started on Yavin 4/Carida System Destroyed/Exar Kun's spirit is destroyed/Maw Station destroyed


Dreadnaught Eye of Palpatine destroyed/Darksaber weapon is destroyed/Admiral Daala is defeated in Second Battle of Yavin and steps down as leader of Imperial forces


Second Coming of the Death Seed Plague


Dark Jedi Hethir and Empire Reborn movement is stopped


Yevethans make genocidal attacks in Koonarchet Cluster/Crisis in the Koonarchet Cluster is dealt with


Senate Hall Bombing/Dark Jedi Kueller is killed


Uprising in Corellia System/Thanta Zilbra System Destroyed/Gaerial Captison dies


Bothans implicated in the Caamas Holocost/Moff Disra uses Thrawn impersonator to gain control of the Empire/Thrawn's personal army discovered/New Republic and Empire sign peace treaty/Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade are married


Shadow Academy is destroyed in Third Battle of Yavin/Diversity Alliance is ended


Last Updated on 11/17/99

By C Bemis