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Stan is the so called main character.  He's the school Quarterback and he owns a gay dog named Sparky.  Stan has had other things done to him such as having  a genetic clone of him that sorta was a mutant.

Kyle is Jewish and also has a small baby brother named Ike.  The famous thing of Kyle is his magical encounter of Mr. Hanky, which then made him go insane.  Don't piss Kyle off, because his response can be somewhat animated!

Cartman is fat but he always says he is big boned.   Cartman has a craving for cheesy poofs and has had certain situations with weight gainer and a alien anal probe.  Cartman is also known for the famous impersonation of Scuzzlebutt.
How can you not like Kenny?  You can never understand what he sais and he always dies in South Park.  Though for those that didn't know Kenny is very vulgar even though viewers can not understand him.  How many different ways can we kill Kenny?  The number gets bigger everyday.

Chef is a pimp with a hat.  The kids always talk to him, he gives advice, and is good at macking on women.  I didn't write the book I just know the story.  It's ok to be jealous.  Hubajoobe!