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He grew up in a little town called Edna, Texas. There wasn't much to do so he hunted and drank beer when he was little. He started a wrestling carrer in a Sothern league. In 2 months he easly became the Sothern Champion and his manager was shocking to be.....Paul Bearer!!!

He wanted a real carrer so he started in WCW. He became the T.V. champion and lost it in 3 months. Then he became the U.S. champion. Again he lost it in 2 and a half months. He won the T.V. title for a second time but had to give it up do to injury. When he came back he won the U.S. title for the second tie but was cheated out of it. Then him and Brian Pillman made a tag team called the Hollywood Blonds. They were managed by "Stone Cold's" wife. They win the tag team titles but they lost it after Brian Pillman got pinned by one of the Steiners. "Stone Cold" went to Japan for a tournement but hert his are but still won the tournement. When he was healing in Austin, Texas he was fired from the WCW.

He then went to ECW. He was very good and won the ECW world title in 5 months. He then was cheated out of the title when his trunks were pulled by Sandman. Then got a rematch and was cheated again when Sandman put his legs on the ropes while covering him. He was sick and tired of ECW cheating him out of the world title so he quit but was injured so didn''t know where to go.

He knew that he had to go to the best federation the WWF! He signed for a 4 yesr contract. He started off as the Ring Master and was managed by Ted Debiase. He was the Million Dallor champion but never got anywhere for the first 7 months cause of Ted so he lost a coribiaon strape match on purpose so Ted could leave. He thenwon the 1996 Kig of the Ring tournement. Austin 3:16 was born!!!!! His sucsess has gone sky rocket! Even his popularity has grown rapidly. He is now one of the best wrestlers in the world today. He is the Tag Team champion with Dude Love and the I.C. champion. He has won 2 slammies and is named wrestlings toughest SOB!

Email: austin_316@webtv.net