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Owen Hart's Tribute Page - Long Live The King Of Harts

Last Update : 6/4/99

Hello everyone. Tomorrow is my graduation, and for the last two weeks I've been praying for Owen's family and everyone who knew him. Tonight I want to pray that everyone is safe tomorrow, as I know some people who are leaving right afterwards to go begin their new lives in different towns, different states, and even different countries.

As for the tribute, there's not too much I can do which hasn't been done by someone else on the internet, but I still want to show my love for the greatest wrestler, and one of the greatest men of all time.

Rather than write about his career, I will leave that to the WWF. But I want to continue to make a fans' tribute by listing everyone whose life was made better by watching an Owen Hart match or by knowing the man himself. Plus, I will have Owen multimedia stored up if you want to see pictures, sounds or his entrance music.

I will continue to work on this page for as long as God tells me to. I know one thing that I have promised myself, as more of a tribute than a page on the internet could give, is that I want to name my first-born boy Owen. Owen Hart lived for his family, and I want to do the same thing. So, in order to always remember that my family comes first, I want to name my first son Owen. I believe it is a fitting tribute for this great individual.

Please keep sending in the E-Mail because I plan to list anything that you guys write as soon as I can. I don't know HTML, so it's rather difficult, but i will make it happen. Thanks again everyone, and remember to say your prayers, eat your vitamins, and drink your milk. Good words to lve by, after all. Thank you, Owen Hart.

What would you like to read about Owen?

Previous Updates about Owen Hart
Other Owen Fans -- Celebrating The Life Of The Black Hart
Links to other Owen Hart Tributes
Owen's Multimedia
