Tammy's Home Page

Hello. My name is Tammy. I am a student at the College of Library and Information Science (CLIS)

This school is a part of the University of South Carolina (USC), where I'm in my third semester.

I am also an associate member of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), and the student division of the NFB, the South Carolina Association of Blinds Students (SCABS).

Some of my favorite things

  • Star Wars

  • X-Files

  • Playing Terris RPG

    Terris is a Multi-User Dungeon, text based roleplaying game. It if full of monsters, quests, and some, um... *clears her throat* INTERESTING characters *grins at her guild mates*... If you would like to see what Terris is all about, just click on the link below, and it will take you there...

    Legends of Terris

    P.S. Check out my Terris related pages...

    The Office for Wealth Redistribution, the official spiderwebsite of the Thieves Guild, of the city of Tranos in the land of Terris, as designed by me, Kaellyn, The Bouncing Waffle of the Thieves Guild. Included on this is a member list, including the current and past members of the guild, the guild charter (written by former Guildmaster Valan), guild awards (written by former Guildmaster Swift_blade) and guild FAQ (written by former Guildmistress Sisterowl). Guild history, information and writings pages are under construction, soon to be up and running (hopefully ).

    Terris Stories and Poems... This is a collection of stories and poetry written by some of the citizens of Terris...

  • Dragons, Unicorns, Pegusi, and other fantasy creatures

    I have a special place set aside for my adopted cyberpets. At the moment, they consisti solely of pixies, but I will be adding more as I find them. They will reside at Pixies and other Cyberpets.

  • Reading, especially science fiction and fantasy novels

    I've gotten hooked on reading Fan Fiction recently. If you like reading Fan Fiction yourself, give FanFiction.Net a try. It's a great site.

  • Listening to and singing Music

  • Riverdance

  • Les Miserables

  • Phantom of the Opera

  • Highlander

  • The Society For Creative Anachronism

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    These are someof mine. Be sure to check them out!

    This page is constantly (if rather haphazardly) underconstruction, . I am working, a little bit at a time, on changing things to make it even better, so, keep stopping by, and enjoy the links.

    Getting messages is always cool. You can contact me at NomiSunrid@aol.com

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