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The real Slim Shady. Me as an undergrounder, the first thing you would think is "He hates Eminem, he's a freak." Actually, no, I love Eminem. "OH MY GOD. HE LIKES RAP?" No. I'm sick of what rap has become. Just alot of complaining about the ghetto, and how weed is god and pushing G's and neating hoes is the cool thing to do. Eminem has taken this style and twisted it and spit on it and sed "FUCK IT." His anti-pop/no-comprimise style of speaking his mind despite what people think and say to him or about him appeals to me cause it seems like he's standing for and screaming out about the same things that icons of my culture like Manson and KoRn and even Slipknot are talking about. He's against these fakes that are dominating the music industry like 'N Sync and Brittney Spears. He's anti-stupidity and corruption. But he goes against it with these violent and sarcastic lyrics, sick and twisted attitudes and sits back and laughs when people take it seriously. I'd say in my perspective he is the rap equivilent to Marilyn Manson. And he's just getting started. Taking shots at himself and at mainstream while toping their charts and calling most of his fans poseurs and still selling out record stores and concerts. Thank God that a rapper finally made some real music and people reconized it. More power to the Mentally Ill from Amminieville.

People=Shit. A more true statment I've never heard. Slipknot has hit our music industry with a huge middlefinger to the forheads of everyone who opposes them. And yet, they carry one of the biggest fanbases in the history of rock music. A sound that is only defined as SLIPKNOT. A tribal groove, with death metal vocals, and bashing guitars, and angry lyrics toped by awsome sound effects and turntables. Slipknot has come into a Genre that is underground, dominated it, and then went head first into the mainstream, killing all in it's path and yet, we come back for more. Slipknot is definatly more than 9 guys on a stage with masks and jumpsuits kicking the hell out of each other, AND THE FANS. But a very emotinal truth, and force of anti-humanity and anti-world. They've seen the way people have made our minds a system of networks and circuits and they are bringing truth of how you can get out in time. You can stop them from taking you, numbering you, and feeding you lies by the bowlful. The vocals themselves show pain and frustration. But when back with the orchastra of chaotic-groves, and melodic-madness. I can only say, that SLIPKNOT, despite being insulted by the second largest followed band that started in the underground (besides Korn) LIMP BIZKIT, they continue to show us that we can't be stoped if we force the truth on the mainstream. That we won't be beaten if we fight back. No matter if it hurts, or kills us. WE CAN WIN AGAINST HUMANITY!!!

coming soon...LIMP BIZKIT, AND BRITTNEY SPEARS...and i'm taking requests!! email me, ask me how i feel about your favorite subjects..i'm bored!!

Nuggets Of Joy
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