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Lord Slinker Hellfire had his life hard from his birth. Being born the youngest of three, Slinker was conceived during the slaughtering of vampires, known as the Great Destruction. Slinker grew up with his French human mother, Cristal d'Arques Hellfire, vampiric father, Alif Hellfire, and brothers Zero Hellfire and Delvar Hellfire, the oldest.

Alif was the one to bear discipline into the family, especially Slinker, the flamboyant prankster of the family. The family was low classed and spent most of their time on a farm having to sell what they made to Seraph Vauss, the one who owned the farm, and keep what scraps they had left over for food. Life was not bad, but could have been better during the next two years. Slinker was about five years old when Seraph came for the payment on the farm one day. Alif was not prepared for the payment, or the assassin that killed him while hiding in the trees. Slinker, terrorized by what he witnessed was froze with fear and Zero ran for his fathers sword. Cristal ran into the family hut, but Seraph was soon to follow...trapping her in the kitchen and raping her on the concrete slab which the family used as a table. Slinker came in and sank his fangs into the thigh of Seraph, who backhanded him against the wall. He picked up a stone rock and hovered over Slinker's limp body. Cristal crawled over to Seraph, pleading for mercy when he dropped the stone on her head..... crushing her skull. Months went by and the remaining Hellfire children awaited Justice on Seraph for his murder...but evidence was slim and he was set free by his High Council Members.

Slinker, Zero, and Delvar were separated shortly after, Slinker growing up in the alleys of Rhy'Din Streets and his brothers growing elsewhere, closer then he thought. One early morning, Slinker, now fourteen, found a discarded RMG application floating down a waterway, heading to the sewers. He filled it out, feeling lonely and needing shelter, and used his last two copper piece to send a messenger boy the filled out app to King Da'Bul Kaos. To his surprise, Slinker was accepted into RMG, a guild of Mercenaries, and given food, friends, a room, and later his own guild, LoRD.

A month or so passed by and things were going well, too well. One eve when he was out running an errand for Kaos, someone slipped in disguised as him. This person played pranks on the guild and did mock assassinations, one on which were one of the King's Right-hand men. When he returned, luck would have it that he bumped into the disguised one. As they stared into each others faces, Slinker noticed that it looked much like his oldest brother, Delvar. Astonished, not seeing him in a long time, he made conversation. "Delvar.... is that you? How you been brother?" He reached out to hug him, but Delvar simple ducked away, cutting him an evil smile and continuing to run off. Slinker turn to were his brother was running and just stared, not knowing what to say. Voices yelling trailed behind him and edged closer at a rapid rate. Slinker, not paying attention, was seized by two BG's to Kaos and dragged to a PR. Slinker resisted and was quickly held down, and being explained the situation and chaos "he" had cost. He tried to explain that it was not him, but his brother acting like him, but his story was not believed. He was not sleighed but almost, dodging an assassination attack. Seeing his reflexes and skills, they chose to keep Slinker as an asset and use him as a squire until he repaid his debts. Later that night, his brother was found dead in a tavern, a dagger wedged in his back.

Months past as Slinker served his debts as a squire and he felt confident that he was about to earn his freedom. He was now able to fight spars and was given a dull dagger from King Kaos. more months past and Slinker gained more and more experience, defeating many LC's and DC's in spars. He went so far as to beat King Kaos in a spar, but still he was not released. Even more months roamed by and Kaos was assassinated among other of the five Troublemakers in Troublemaker's Tower. It was stated in Kaos' will that Slinker was to be set free and remain in RMG.

After many of his guildsmen's death and the defeat of his guild in a guild to guild confrontation with OCS, Slinker fell in love with Kaila Blax, the daughter of Chance Daniels. He resided with RMG as his main guild and had found his brother Zero Hellfire, who is SiC of LoRD. LoRD is steadily growing and Slinker shot off his mouth and cheated death until the munonial date of August 13, 1999 when a hired hitman fired a poison dart into his neck; leaving him to die later on that afternoon. Though it was the dart that killed him, his guildsmen perceived it to be a heartattack to kill him and later buried his body along with the Troublemakers, ending the reign of a once thought to be undefeatable five. He left his love behind and his brother to be the only one left to carry on the Hellfire name and legacy.
