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LoRD History

Shortly after the Great Destruction ... an emotionally scarred man that survived the slaughtering of his kind made a family of Mercenaries, today known as Legion of the Red Dragon (( LoRD )). From the start of the family, it had a strong battle with life and death. Needing allies of the strong type, this man allied with such guilds as OCS and SoSL and quickly his guild was becoming stronger, a force to be reckoned with. Becoming over confident, with a new member count of two hundred thirty-seven, he ended up back stabbing SoSL, many of there own members being part of the attack. This attack was successful, and those that were not slaughtered either ran out of Rhydin or joined LoRD.

The Creator was really having things going his way, and his next plan was to destroy OCS. It was well known that OCS had around five times the member count of LoRD, so strategy was used instead of bronze. The Creator sent three sets of spies, ten in each set to different divisions of OCS. Months passed and a year was edging closer when the spies finally grew rank and had picked up enough information to destroy OCS, or so did LoRD and it's now Three hundred some members. Then, the war was raged on OCS, OCS signing the scrolls of rages. Members on the inside corrupted it and LoRD members took out healers and Bodyguards, moving to High Council Members. But the OCS were too dangerous and had too many allies against LoRD... who turned on all of it's allies. Nobody could be hired to fight for LoRD and the GC was forced to throw in the towel. His cries of surrender fell upon deaf ears as OCS continued to pummel LoRD to a member count of nineteen out of it's previously three hundred.

The remaining members that did not flee refused to continue. Days got so rough that at times, LoRD dropped to two members that remained active. Now, The Creator who is now known as Lord Slinker Hellfire of the Third Generation, is rebuilding his guild to it's previous stardom. Slinker has took the longest drop a man could take, from one of a star ... and has managed to live and recuperate. LoRD now has gained some allies back such as ECHO, EoEE, and soon to be RMG ... one of the greatest guilds in the realms. LoRD has grown from it's ashes and reformed from the flames with a rebirth ... starting in a new forum, LoR, and with a better attitude. It still takes on all jobs for a price, but is loyal to all it's allies for all men need someone to watch there back, no matter how powerful one is.

written by:
§Sir Ekin Sivart§