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LoRD Application


You will NOT be excluded from joining if you belong to another guild. Actually, we prefer it! How else are we going to get work? However, spies will be dealt with in the manner deemed neccassary by the L.o.R.D. judge and jury. ~~Before you ask... they are fair!! We guarentee they have never met you!~~

Please fill this out the questions below IN A DIFFERENT COLOR and send it by messanger bird or errand boy (E-Mail) to Dynamike05 and Hotbod84. If you do not know the answers to some of the questions, that will not affect your acceptance into the guild! It just shows what we need to train you in! You will be contacted by one of our council members shortly after submition of this application if you were or were NOT accepted. Along with your acceptance into this guild, you will get more information and the what number of recruit you are in the family.If for some reason you were not accepted, we will send you a reason why we chose not to accept you. ............ Thank you!

~~~~~~~~~~~~Cut and Paste the below questions~~~~~~~~~~

1) Your age (not character's):

2) SN Name (lower case):

3) Characters Name:

4) Who in our guild contacted you?

5) Male/Female?

6) Race?

7) Alignment?

8) Which do you prefer to be---- one (1) meaning you pefer that the most; eight (8) meanig you prefer it least. *NOTE--- all must have a number or the application is VOID!
( ) Mage
( ) Warrior
( ) Advisor*
( ) Purger
( ) Thief
( ) Healer* a.k.a. Cleric
( ) Bodyguard**
( ) Other _______________________

* Recommended to have at least a year experience in the proffesion, may ........need at least five people to recommend you. ** Only a selected few are required. Must spend at least 90 hours on-line. I will request a personal conference with you at a time you would be free!

((Unlike many guilds we have several positions in our non-combatant areas. if you are more interested in the Roleplaying side of things this may be for you!))

9) Does your character have any prejudices?

10) Guilds your character has belonged or does currently belong to? Which one(s)?

11) Ranks and Dice Held?

12) Have you sparred before?

If so, what is the string for 2d20? 2d25? 1d6? 3d35? Initiative: Mass Spar Initiative: Team Spar Initiative:

13) Please define the following: DM- SM- P.o.W.- MS- WM- AA- TS- :: ::- (( ))- OOC- IC-

14) What is YOUR defintion of honor?

15) What is YOUR defintion of loyalty?

16) Give a short description of your character.

17) Give a brief description of your background.

18) IF you get accepted, what will you give this guild?

19) Do you own any Guilds? Bars? Shops?

20) Comments.....




I, Your character name, do swear and promise to leave behind any darkness that might cause hostility and learn the ways and teachings of the Legion of the Red Dragon to become a better person. If for any reason I should be kept as a P.o.W. I will be slain in honor before I tell anything I know about the LoRD. In the rare event that any of the above text is broken, I agree that I will fight the GC with guild dice to a death match. Furthermore, I do agree that I am not a spy and that I live to protect and fight for my guild and it's allies.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ End of Copy~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~