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Gods and goddesses

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Discussion Board /Zeus/Hera/Apollo/Artemis/Ares/Aphrodite/Dionysos/Athene/Hephaistos/Hermes/Demeter/Iris/the old mythology page


Zeus was the king of the gods. Known in rome as jupiter, he tricked the titians into giving up their power and was given his title of king after the fall of the titians. His orginal occupation was as god of the sky. His rule over the gods was unchallangable because his first wife, metis, he swallowed. Metis means cunning. So, with her inside him, he could not be tricked as he tricked the titians. He married many times, but eventually ended up with Hera, the ulmitly queen of the gods. Even though he was married, he did not stop fooling around. Even after there marriage, he had many other children by other humans and immortals. His children by Hera include Ares, Hebe, Eileithyia, and Hephaistos.

Zeus' sumpremacy lead to him chairing the council of the gods. He had absolute power. In the mortal world Zeus secured power of kings and was in charge of the authority in law. He gaurded social order.

His symbols are thunder and lighting, probably a continuation as his power of the god of the sky. He also had an eagle and, sometimes, holding a septure.


Athene, goddess of wisdom, was one of the daughters of zeus. She is said to have been born by jumping out of Zeus head, fully armoured. She is considered a military figure and is therefore, greatly regarded by kings. She is considered a protectress of heros. In fact, according to myth, her favorite hero was Odysseus becuase he reminded her of her own talents of wisdom.

Her own city, Athens, was the center of her own cult. She won the city of athens against Poseidon by creating an olive tree. Posiden created a spring of water. Since the could have more use of the olvies that created food and oil than a spring, Athene won over the city. But, so that Posiden would no t get too angry, the athenians agreed to worship both gods in Athens.

Athene's symbol, is that of the owl, which still, today, is a symbol of wisdom. She is credited with and excellent weaving and spinning abilaties and is also a patron of skilled crafts, like blacksmith. She created, according to myth, the first potters wheel, the first vases and the first flute. The flute was made to sound much like the vocies of the gordons as medusea was killed, which gordon changes with each myth.


Apollo was the son of Leto and Zeus. His twin sister is Artemis, goddess of the hunt. He was born on the island of delos. Since a cult of his arose in Delos he is also known as Delian Apollo. THough, the princiaple site of his cult was in Delphi, which, during this time, was the cultural center of the world. Apollo was the patron of archery and bows. If he shot an arrow down to earth, it brought plauge and sickness to humans, although he was also the god of medicine. He also, and most well known for, being the god of Music and arts. He played the Lyre durning the banquents of the gods. He is also known for giving Cassandra, a princess of Troy, the gift of prophecy, but no one ever believed in anything that she predicted.


Artemis, was the twin of Apollo and also had many functions. She is the chaste goddess of the hunt. She would often go into the woods with her female attendents to hunt. Although she was a hunter, she was also the protectress of young creatures. She also was the goddess of childbrith but could also bring sickness and death upon women.

Her symbols are the bow and the bear. She is usally presented as being young in a hunting outfit. She was associated with the moon like Apollo was associated with the sun.


Dionysos is the god of wine. He is also the god of altered states. He is mainly depicted as being ridiculous. He can appear as human or as a bull or a lion. If you got drunk, you were to be in his realm. He was the god of illusion. His other name is Bacchus. Wine was an important drink among the mediterrian people of that time, and is still rather important today. Wine was used in relgious activies and used in celebrations.

Dionysos was the presider of a mystic cult, whose members were promised an afterlife of continual drinking and partying.

Although, Dionysos was an acient god, he is often said to have given out gifts to humans who accepted him, and punshing those who did not. His symbol is that of grapes.


Hephaistos is the equvalant of the roman god Vulcan. He was the god of fire and volcanos. he was a blacksmith for the gods. He was born of Hera, but grossed out by Hephaistos appearnce, through him down olympus to the ocean. He became lame and lived in the ocean making remarkable objects for the gods with his blacksmith.

He married Aphrodite, who was the most beautiful goddess. The only reason he was allowed to marry her was because he sent hera, his mother, a beautiful golden throne. The beautiful throne, though, locked hear in it with inviable straps that only Hephaistos knew how to undo. THe gods agreed to his demand of handing over Aphrodite as his bride if he let hera go. He is also known for making golden attendents to help him with his work and golden dogs that never slept to gaurd the palace of Alcinous. They seems to be very much like robots! He, after marrying aphordite, is said to have moved under mount olympus where the cyclops' helped him with his work.


Ares, the god of war, known as Mars in roman myths, was worshipped everywhere in the greek world, but there are relativly few myths about him. He is the son of Zeus and Hera. He is normally depicted as a brutal warrior on the battlefield, but also as Aphroditie's lover. He is also seemed to be hated by as many as he was worshipped by in greece, but in rome, they loved him. Unlike the other gods, he had no cities named after him or that were for him only. He was much more they symbol of war than anything else. Although some myths do say that his city is Thrace, where there were rude and fierce people. His symbol is the vulture, although he wanted the dog.


Hermes is the messanger god. He is often the protector of the home along with the goddess hestia. A statue of him was in the door of every home to bring good luck. He also resided over lucky finds and windfalls.

He is often seen wearing wingeld sandals and a travlers hat. He carries a staff which may be used as a magic wand. He was the god of roads and travellers. In one city, Attica, his statue presided at every intersection.

Hermes is called Mercury in Roman mythology and is also known as Psychopompos in greek mythology. He is the transporter of souls.

He also represented transaction or exchange. For this reason he is also the god of the marketpalce and of theives. Since he was the god of thieves and the messanger god he was represented by both proper and improper transactions. If someone fell silent, the greeks would say that Hermes was passing.


Aphrodite's name means "born of foam". As her name suggest she was born of the sea off the coast of Cyprus. She is also called the lover of laughter as well as the goddess of love. She is often dipicted as naked and has the god Eros (Cupid) at her side.

She was married to the god Hephaistos but had several affairs with other gods and mortals. The most famous being Ares, the god of war.

She had many childern due to her affairs. Some more common ones are Eros, also known as Cupid. Another is Aeneas, the trojan prince whose father is Anchises. Aphrodite protected him in the trojan war and he later fled to rome. Hemaphrodite is the child of hermes. He became fused with a nymph that was madly in love with him, hence the term hermaphrodite, meaning have charateristics of both sexes. Priapus is the god of fertility and proctected gardens. His paternity is unknown.

That's all I can write right now, the orignal page follows below this because i don't want to leave any gods out right now. I'll update it later.


Demeter is the goddes of the harvest. She is the daughter of Kronos and of Rhea. Her brothers are Zeus and Hades. She had a daughter, Persephone, also known as Kore, who is said to be the queen of the underworld. Both Demeter and Persephone are almsot always seen together.

One myth says that one day, when Persephone was gathering flowers, Hades kidnapped her and took her to the underworld. Persephone cried for help from Zeus, but he did not hear her. Only the sun and Hekate, the goddess of sorcery, heard her. Demeter heard her daughter also, and searched the world for nine days without food or sleep. On the tenth day she met Hekate who told ehr to call on helios, the sun. She did and was told that what he saw. Demeter blamed her brother, Zeus, for the fate of her daughter.

She went about the world as an old begger women. She became an attendant in King Celeus' palace, for his wife. Her grief supsided for a bit with the jokes told to her by Iambe, a slave in the palace. But she left the palace after a few months and her grief returned.

She began to neglect her duties as the goddess of the harvest, and the earth did not let the crops grow. the gods begged her to let the crops grow, but she refused. Zeus eventually let Hermes(or, in some myths, Iris) bring Persephone up fromt he underworld, but she had eaten some food from the underworld. Because of this, Persephone would be left in the underowld forever. Zeus intervened in this matter and allowed Persephone to be in Olympus for half the year and the other half was to be spent with Hades.

That's all I can write right now, the orignal page follows below this because i don't want to leave any gods out right now. I'll update it later.


Hera is considered Zeus wife and sister. She was the protectress of Marrage, althoguh her marrage to Zeus was a little bit rocky (see zeus at the top of this page for more info). There are nto many myths with her in them but there were a lot of temples dedicated to this Queen of the gods. She is also known as the Jealous queen because, many times, she would take revenge on her husbands lovers or their children.

One such story is that of Leto who was forced to look for a place to give birth to Apollo while in labour becuase Hera refused to let Eileithyia (goddess of childbirth or labour) go to help Leto. Leto had already given birth to Artemis but couldn't find a place to give birth to apollo. Leto only gave birth to Apollo when Iris, goddess of the rainbow, took Eileithyia down to help Leto.


Iris is the goddess of the rainbow. She is credited in many myths since she is the goddess who took messages from the gods to mortals. She not only took messages down from the gods, but sometimes the gods themselves. She is said to have slept beneath Hera's bed since she is Hera's "maid in waiting". She wore a coat made of main colours to produce the rainbow she is credited with. Her dress was also to be made of the morning dew. She is my favorite goddess.

In greek some gods and goddesses are Zeus, Hera, Apollo, ares, Hesta, Athena, Hermes, Artemis, Poseidon, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hephaestus, Persephone, Hades, Eros, Eos, Iris, Heracules, and Hebe. Zeus is the king of the gods, 'nuf said. Hera is Zeus' sister and Zeus' wife, gross! She's also the queen of the gods and the protectress of marriage. Apollo is the god of music and medicine. Ares is the god of war. Hestia is the goddess of the hearth. Athena is the goddess of wisdom, strategy, weavin' and the creator of the olive tree. Hermes is the god of travelers and thieves. He is also Zeus' messenger. Artemis is the twin of Apollo and the goddess of the moon and of huntin'. Poseidon is the god of the sea. Aphrodite is the goddess of love. Demeter is the goddess of the harvest. Hephaestus is the god of fire and he's also a good blacksmith. Persephone is Demeter's daughter and wife of Hades. Hades is the god of the underworld. Eros is the god of love, a.k.a Cupid. Eos is the goddess of the dawn, a.k.a Aurora. Iris is the coolest of 'em all! She is the goddess of rainbows and is Hera's messenger. Hercules is the god of strength. Hebe was the cupbearer to the gods 'til she fell.... Now she's jus' the goddess of youth plus she's married to Hercules.

Since I have a link to Hercules, I probably need to make a link to Xena for my dad.

That's all I know right know. I'll update it time to time. Hopefully

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