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In Moments like this


Trials and temptations

Heart ache and pain

Trouble in regions of the world

War, poverty and hunger


All these things tend to weigh us down

This leads to a heavy heart

We think to ourselves what is happening

We even dare to say, Where is God?


The Lord has an answer

I am with you even until the end of time.

Lord if you are with me, then Why? We ask

Fear not and do not be dismayed he replies


The Lord our God is with us.

His presence is strong than the greatest bomb

Learning to trust is a challenge

Let us be bold and let us encourage ourselves in Christ


Be Strong and take courage

Don't fear, stand tall in Christ

Help, as much as you can, we are his voice and his hands

Let His Spirit led you


Olusola Osinoiki

Josh Publications

(Written during the time of the Kosovo crisis)