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``And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.'' Eze 22:30

``Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. ''Job 22:28.


Why we pray: - Matt 26: 41.

Who has the right to pray: - 2 Chr 7:14.

When to pray: -Ps 5:3; Ps 55:16-17; Ps 88:1-3; I Thess 5:17.

Where to pray: - Matt 6:6, I Tim 2:6.

How we ought to pray: - Eph 6:18; I Cor 14:15.

We must pray in faith, Mark: - 11:24.

Reasons why He answers us: - I John 3:22; Matt 7:7; Ps 65:2.

Prayer demands of us a righteous life: - I Peter 3: 12-13; James 5:16; Pro 28:9.

A wrong style of prayer: - Luke 18:11.

The Lord's Prayer: - Luke 11:1-4.

Christ is the only mediator in praying to God: - I Tim 2:5.

When we are praying we should never doubt: - James 1:6-7.

The authority given to us as prayer Warriors: - Luke 10:19-20.

Our authority is in Jesus: - Matt 28:16.

The weapons of our warfare: - II Cor 10:4-6.

We should pray for those in Authority: - I Tim 2:1-2.

The Lord is present when we gather to pray: - Matt 18:20.

Men ought always to pray and not to faint: - Luke 18:1.

We must pray in the Spirit and in our Understandings: - I Cor 14:13-14.

It is important to continue in Prayer: - Col 4:2; Ps 72:15; Phil 4:6; Acts 6:4.

Whatever we bind on earth is bound in Heaven Matt 18:18.

We must pray for our enemies: - Matt 5:44.

Our Father knows what we need, thus we must pray in faith without vain repetitions: - Matt 6:7-8; Is 65:24.

The Holy Spirit helps us pray, aright: - Roms 8:26.

Our prayers should be in Jesus Name: - John 16:26.

When in the presence of God we should reverence Him: -Ecc 5:2

God is all-powerful - OMNIPOTENT: - Rev 19:6

God is everywhere - OMNIPRESENT: - Ps 139:7-13, Pro 15:3.

God is all knowing - OMNISCIENT: - Heb 4:13; I John 3:20; Ps 139:1-6.

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Olusola Osinoiki

Josh Publications

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