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Minutes to the inaugral meeting of

The Northwick Trust

6:30pm, 13 March 2002 ICC, 2 St Nicolas Street, Worcester

Present: Mr Simon Munn
Mr Richard Sturdy
Ms Jane Kemp
Apologies:Mr Chris Bennion

  1. Introductions
    The group introduced themselves and discussed their backgrounds, areas of expertise and interests in the project.

  2. Assessment of current position
    Mr Munn presented a draft Business Plan for using the building as a Multi-Arts centre. the plan covered a brief history of the site, potential uses, promotion and advertising, transport and access and local competition. It was agreed that the plan would provide a good starting point for a larger document that should be produced to present to potential funding bodies. Ms Kemp suggested a need for solid research into demand and local opinion to incorporate into the plan and substantiate the vision with hard facts and evidence.

    Mr Sturdy discussed the impact of the initial publicity surrounding the launch of the website. The radio station is to be treated initially as a separate venture, but would perhaps provide advertising and support for the Northwick project.

    Mr Sturdy has received a fax from a local architect regarding a previous attempt to reopen the site as a library/arts centre. Mr Munn mentioned that he had, in the past, approached the estate agent of the building, but had not pursued the project. Mr Sturdy suggested that, once a feasible business plan had been formulated, it may be worth approaching the owner of the building.

    If the project is to proceed, much research needs to be undertaken to substantiate what we already know and what we would like to achieve.

  3. Past uses of the building
    The team discussed previous uses of the building and why they had not proved sustainable. It was agreed that further research needs to be done into its former uses and current condition.

    Planning for the future - uses of the building
    Other local projects involving the renovation of older buildings were discussed: Huntingdon Hall, The Regal in Gloucester, a library in Droitwich, an independent cinema in Evesham and a project in Evesham.

    Various suggestions were put forward for uses of the building.

    • Performance arts: comedy, music, theatre, rehersal space.
    • Exhibition space: gallery, conferences, sales events.
    • Education: cyber-café, Community on-line, community centre.
    • Entertainment: bar, dance-hall, catering, bingo.
    • Cinema: specialist and older films, classic films. Lesser known films not showing at the Odeon / Warner.

    The team discussed local businesses that may oppose the scheme and agreed that the scheme wished to compliment and not be in competition with existing venues. The size of the venue would make it suitable for different events to venues already in existence. It was hoped the project may be able to form partnerships with local groups eg. Coller and Tie Theatre Company and The Swan.

    The team thought of groups of people who may wish to use the building when reopened, or who might consider offering help and advice in opening the building. The following groups were discussed: University College, Worcester Tech, Kidderminster College, local schools, Worcester Film Society, Pershore Film Society, Civic Society, Worcester Arts Workshop, Rhythm and Booze, Crisis Promotions.

  4. Funding
    Various types of funding were discussed including grants, private investment and franchising. A number of organisations were named.

    Mr Munn has considerable experience of setting up and organising charitable projects. He discussed some of his previous projects that are successful and ongoing.

    A variety of different organisational structures were talked about. It was agreed that it may be best to consider running the project as a non-profit making trust.

    The group agreed that the project must take place in a series of stages: the purchase of the building, basic maintenance, opening certain features and functions of the buidling, gereating income and then obtaining further finance for each stage. The business plan to be developed into a document and presentation that can be shown to funding bodies.

  5. Looking forward - where next?
    Tasks to be done - short term
    Revive interest in the website as activity had started to move away from the bulletin boards. Correspondence and planning should take place as much as possible on the site to generate content and "pull" to the site. This would maximise the number of people that could be involved and reached by a low cost interactive media. Increased traffic to the site provides greater attraction for companies who may wish to advertise with the site, companies whose services we may wish to use.

    • Mr Sturdy to add a posting to the site recounting its purpose and direction and perhaps start new threads and discussions.
    • Ms Kemp to submit minutes of the meeting to the site.
    • Mr Munn to research the history of the building.

    It was agreed that local feeling, support and opposition should be gauged.

    Market research:

    • Design and print and distribute a mailshot to be sent to approxmiately 250 local households to assess demand and public feeling towards the project. completed forms to be returned via drop-in box in local shop / facility.
    • Analyse results of mailshot.

    It was discussed that, once the building was purchased, there would be ongoing costs from Council Tax, business rates and utilities. A plan was discussed whereby a minimum of work could be carried out to bring the building to a servicable level and each activity introduced in stages.

    • Establish initial outlay required to purchase the building.
    • Establish fire regulations and restrictions on use that apply to the building.
    • What variable costs would be associated with owning the building? eg. rates.
    • Find out costs of licensing the building.

    Establish who can help us:

    • Approach local councillors.
    • Initial discussions with local arts groups and leaders of similar projects.

    Funding bodies should, perhaps, only be approached once a feasible plan is developed, however:

    • Research should be done as to what sources of funding genuinely would be available. Find out what format / type of presentaion is preferred when presentin a proposal.
    • Research architects / surveyors / designers who could undertake this kind of project. What would their involvement cost?

    Access the building

    • All agreed that the interior of the building needed to be inspected to ascertain what kind of projects would be viable, the general condition of the building and how much work is required to the interiors. This would allow a realistic assessment of the way the building could be used.
    • Restrictions imposed by listed status need to be explored further.

    Tasks to be done - intermediate term
    Once the the core of the group interested in the project has been consolidated, with goals and direction agreed, it was suggested that the group approach outside bodies for advice. This would involve writing to parties such as Worcester Arts Workshop and Huntingdon Hall to ask for support, advice and perhaps to meet with the group to answer questions or provide a seminar on their own projects.

    Documents to be made available to the public. Hold a public meeting?

    • Presentation to Parish Council meeting.

    Research turns into planning. A structural survey should be carried out and designs and ideas prepared.

    • Appoint surveyor / architectural firm to oversee any necessary structural alterations and building works.
    • Formulate a schedule of works.

    By the stage a realistic, water-tight business plan has been formulated to present to funding bodies

    • Initial approaches to funding bodies.

    Small Scale Fundraising
    The initial stages of market research, developing a strategy and formulating a business plan would occur at a minimal cost. At a later date, it is likely that a "slush fund" would help to cover expenses generated by the project. Suggestions ofr fundraising activities included:

    • If agreement of the owner could be obtained and health and saftey regulations would admit public access to The Northwick: hold an art / photography exhibiton in the building, open to the public and charging a small entrance fee.
    • A "1920s" themed Murder Mystery night held in a local venue (The Vine?)
    • Organise a gig with local bands, perhaps in conjunction with an existing gig promoter, part of takings from the door to go to the fund.
    • Organise a "ghost night" tour of the building.

    If a slush fund exists, it may be worth opening a bank account for the project. At very least, formal books should be kept of any ingoings and outgoings.

    Tasks to be done - long term

    • Research contractors capable of undertaking tasks on the Schedule of Works.
    • Go out to tender.
    • Presentations to funding bodies.

  6. Summary
    The group met for the first time and introductions took place. The meeting consolidated the ideas already put forward in the website about potential uses for the building. It was agreed that research was required into the condition of the building, demand for re-opening, local feelings on the project and funding opportunities. A plan was devised for carrying out a survey of local opinion. Several ideas for short term funding of the initial stages of the project were discussed, as well as long term ways of funding the whole project. It was agreed that further publicity or action may be required to renew public interest in the project. The team have discussed feasibility and started to devise realistic strategems for carrying the project through.

  7. Date of the next meeting
    The next meeting to occur within the next two weeks, to be decided according to interest generated on the website.