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Science Stuff

Science Stuff

At the end of the '98-'99 school year I left the classroom and WHS to take a position as the curriculum facilitator at James F. Byrnes High School in Duncan, SC. That DOES NOT mean I am no longer a science guy though! My Curriculum Page

WHS Science Chatroom
Web based chatroom for the express purpose of giving students a place to talk about and get help with SCIENCE.
Note: you must have a JAVA capable browser.

Schedule: Reserved for Woodruff High School AP Biology & Physics students as needed the night before a test

All other times: Open Science Chat

Science Links:

My AP Biology Page

My Physics Page

The Upstate Applied Biology Teachers Resource Page

American Indian Science and Engineering Society - AISES

Sounds Like Science NPR Show

Scientific American Online

Science News Online

Email: Click Here

Must Read Science Books:

Everything and anything by Isaac Asimov

Broca's Brain & Dragons of Eden by Carl Sagan

Red Earth - White Lies by Vine Deloria, Jr.

Permaculture by Bill Mollison

In the future I will ramble on about science topics of interest (to me anyway!!)