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Foxley VSU's Summer Camp

This summer the the Foxley Venture Scout unit are going to the peak district for our Queen's scout award hike. The Queens Scout Award requires us to:

Queen Scout Award Requirements

  1. Training: Carry out suitable training appropriate to the type of expedition you intend to undertake. This must include practice expeditions, lightweight camping experience, selecting correct clothing and equipment, load carrying, food cooking, hygiene, map reading and compass work, route planning, leading a party, accident precautions, expedition first aid. This training must be approved by the Unit Executive Committee.
  2. Expedition: Plan and undertake an expedition with a purpose over at least three nights and four days in unfamiliar and challenging country. This must be approved by the Unit Executive Committee.
  3. Report:Make a formal presentation or report of your expedition to the Unit. This could take the form of a log book, tape/slide presentation, video film and so on but must reflect the purpose of the expedition.

  • We are first going to do a practise hike in February '99. This will involve route planning, lightweight camping, and other proactise activites. Many of us have a good working knowledge of first aid, so there may be some opportunity to teach those that haven't had this training yet some basic 1st Aid as well. this camp will go towards the Venture Scout Qward as well as being vital training for the QSA.

  • Then in the summer we will be walking from Matlock over 7 days. We will be going without leaders, however there will be a backup team, includng leaders with plenty of experience in 'mountaineous terrain' leadership. We will be carrying everything with us, which from expereience will end up being an average weight of arround 30lbs per person, spread fairly depending on the persons obviously. For soem of the ventures this will be the first summer camp they have been able to attend so this will be quite an experience, epecially for tyhose that have joined scouting at Venture scout level, without having had previous scouting/guiding experience. The camp has been planned to meet the full award requirements for the QSA, so there will be little time for much else. To countreact this, the following half term we are provisionally going to Kandersteg in switzerland, to enjoy the thousands of activites availiable there.


  • A very useful resource detailing the full requirements for the SQA
  • Our holiday to Kandersteg in 1999
  • The international Scout campsite at Kandersteg

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